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April 27, 2015

Injured from slipping on a petrol station forecourt? What you need to do!

It’s very common and we take on a lot of claims for victims who have slipped, usually on spilled fuel, on petrol station forecourts. It’s easily done and fuel is easily spilled, and the staff on site don’t always take the action they ought to when it comes to spillages or reported accidents.

So here is a quick guide about what you should do if you are the victim of a petrol station forecourt slip!
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April 27, 2015

Serious accident compensation claims – IMPORTANT WARNING!

There are loads of law firms out there and loads of claims management services who will refer you to solicitors – and all of these firms want your business when you are the victim and have a valid claim for personal injury compensation. It’s a known fact that the choice you make when it comes to your lawyer can directly affect the outcome of your case in terms of success, costs, and payout.

So for serious accident claims this is even more important to understand because it could mean the difference between winning or losing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of pounds in compensation.

This is a ‘must read‘ guide.
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April 22, 2015

Care Home Accidents – what you need to know!

In recent years figures have indicated that the number of accidents in care homes, particularly to the elderly, is on the rise. This could be a symptom of the current economic climate, but that doesn’t mean that injured victims and their families have no right to justice.

It is also feared that many incidents still go unreported and unheard of.

Here is a guide on what you need to know for anyone injured in a care home accident, and an insight in to the rights for the victim.
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April 22, 2015

Is it usual for solicitors to deduct a large amount from a compensation claim?

It’s usual nowadays for a deduction to take place but you shouldn’t accept an agreement where a huge amount is being taken. Law firms are working in very different ways when compared to one another so it’s important to know what you can be charged and what you should be charged in light of recent legal fee reforms.

This blog aims to guide you so you know how much is too much!
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April 22, 2015

Warnings for safety belts used for supportive seating, wheelchairs, hoists & bathroom equipment amid reports of injuries and fatalities

This isn’t the first time there have been safety warnings surrounding the correct use of safety belts and posture belts for supportive seating, wheelchairs, hoists, and other assistive care equipment. Once again the MHRA has issued warnings to ensure that these belts are being correctly used because they pose a serious risk of injury and death when used incorrectly.

This new announcement posted yesterday warns again of the risk when the belts are not fitted or adjusted properly, and it’s important for victims to know their rights
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April 21, 2015

How to make a claim against my Landlord because of electric shock injury

Have you suffered an electric shock in a rented property? You may be entitled to thousands of pounds in personal injury compensation.

Landlords have a duty to make sure that the property you are letting from them is safe and this includes ensuring that the property does not pose a risk of you suffering an electric shock. This covers appliances that are provided as well as wiring and sockets, so it’s important to know your rights.
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April 21, 2015

How to claim for burn injury victims?

Burn injuries can be horrendous and many victims are unsure about what can you claim for when it comes to a personal injury compensation case. Generally speaking it comes down to the severity and extent of the suffering caused as well as being able to claim for losses and expenses on top of that.

As a burn injury victim where the pain may severe but short term with the lasting consequences that are often lifelong, how do we value your burn injury claim, and what can you claim for?
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April 21, 2015

The Injury Lawyers win £8,500 for whiplash victim despite opponent refusing to accept fault

You’d think that you have a practically guaranteed claim when someone hits the back of your car whilst it’s stationary, right? In most scenarios you do – but occasionally the other driver may try and dispute the claim by suggesting that the version of events wasn’t as you claimed.

This shows the importance of having not just any old lawyer fighting your claim but having an expert law firm with the funds to keep fighting your corner all on a no win, no fee basis.
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April 20, 2015

Making a medical negligence claim against the Welsh NHS

As a firm of specialist medical negligence lawyers we take on high volumes of medical negligence claims with many involving the Welsh NHS. Now don’t get me wrong with the introduction of this blog – we are in no way attacking the hard working individuals of our countries NHS system who, for the most part, do a wonderful job.

But it’s important to know that you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation against NHS Wales as much as you do in the rest of the UK. Our jurisdiction is with England and Wales so we are able to pursue your case for you.
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April 20, 2015

European Injury Lawyers Claims

Did you know that you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation as a UK citizen injured abroad in Europe without the need to use a foreign lawyer?

There are many ways in which we can argue that the applicable jurisdiction to make a claim lies here in the UK if you are a UK citizen injured in Europe – particularly in an EU country where a lot of EU laws can apply.
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