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April 20, 2015

NHS Wales – March accident and emergency waiting times targets missed

Whilst we know that the NHS system throughout the entirety of the UK is currently fighting one heck of a battle amid growing austerity cuts and understaffing, NHS Wales has been a focal point in recent news following a series of situations they have been facing.

News from the BBC confirms that NHS Wales missed its accident and emergency waiting time target by a considerable margin amid separate recent claims that they are at “crisis point.”
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April 17, 2015

What is the average percentage taken from an injury lawyer in the UK

Since the April 2013 rule changes there has been a significant amount of confusion as to where people stand, how much they need to pay, and what law firms can and cannot charge people. The reality of the situation is that many different law firms are charging many different things, so what is the average percentage or average charge of a law firm under the new system here in the UK?

There is a lot to look at – so read on for information about the changes and how they affect you and what you can expect to be charged.
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April 17, 2015

Warning to reduce number of diabetic children being admitted to hospital in Wales

According to sources from the BBC, a call for action to reduce the number of children with type 1 diabetes being admitted to hospital in Wales is required following significant rises in the number of admissions.

Following a recent study by several Welsh universities, children under 15 are five times more likely to need hospital care than non-diabetic children in Wales.
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April 17, 2015

Welsh NHS at “breaking point”

The Welsh NHS has been in the news a lot recently and this week we have heard the news of a crisis facing GP numbers as well as the announcement of a “super authority” being created to shape the workforce of the future for NHS Wales.

According to reports from the BBC we have one third of GP’s in Wales considering retirement, and recruitment and staff retention have been described as a “concern” in additional reports from this week alone.
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April 17, 2015

Should I claim compensation as a former patient of Dr D’Mello at the Daybrook Dental Surgery?

Our specialist Daybrook Dental Negligence Team continue to lead the fight for justice for those who want to claim as a former patient of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Desmond D’Mello at the Daybrook Dental Surgery in Arnold. Thousands of former patients are now claiming and we continue to represent the majority of those affected who wish to be compensated for what they have been through.

We are at a stage now where those who haven’t claimed because they’re unsure about whether they should are now coming forward for advice. So here are some reasons why you should make a claim with our representation.
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April 17, 2015

No win, no fee medical negligence claims

A lot of law firms will ask for upfront payments for medical negligence cases because it is a very complex area of law. They are often very expensive to run and there is a lot of work that needs to be done, as well as a lot of experts that need to be instructed, and reports to be obtained.

But here at The Injury Lawyers we are experts in our field and we have specialist medical negligence lawyers and efficient ways of working which mean that we can offer you a full no win, no fee guarantee.
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April 16, 2015

Furness Maternity Ward and Morecambe Bay NHS Investigation – lessons about who you should turn to

When tragedies happen we look for answers – it’s entirely common and wholly understandable. But when our complaints and questions either go unanswered or we do not get the replies that we feel are fair, who do we turn to?

The Morecambe Bay Report was suggests from the start that complainants felt that they were not being treated fairly or that there was a potential cover up. Read on for information about who you should turn to and what you need to know about complaints with the NHS.
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April 15, 2015

Hit in the back at a roundabout? You may have an almost ‘guaranteed’ claim

Rear end crashes are one of the most common scenarios for car accident injury claims. People fail to stop in time and they hit someone in the back – it’s easily done.

A hot spot for rear end shunt incidents is at the entry to roundabouts where traffic can suddenly slow and where speeds of traffic can vary significantly depending on volumes of cars on the roundabout and the directions they’re coming from. If you are hit at the foot of a roundabout then you have an almost guaranteed claim if you have been injured.
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April 15, 2015

We win compensation for worker injured by sharp glass in the workplace

Our client was employed for a recycling firm and was tasked with picking up waste items for recycling from properties in his local area. A job like this is inherently fraught with dangers of being cut by sharp objects like glass, metals, and even needles.

That’s why it’s important to risk asses activities being carried out and ensure that workers are provided with the correct equipment and personal protective equipment to carry out their role. If this isn’t done and a worker is injured, they’re entitled to claim compensation for their suffering and loss.
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April 15, 2015

Morecambe Bay NHS claims figures: “extremely worrying” say Medical Defence Union

In the wake of the Furness Maternity Ward investigation which found serious incidents resulting in multiple infant and mothers deaths, figures paid out in compensation for the trust as a whole have been described as “extremely worrying” according to sources from the BBC.

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) as a body who discretionally investigate cases on behalf of private practitioners has identified the Morecambe Bay trust and the North Cumbria University Hospital Trust in their figures.
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