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April 03, 2015

Misdiagnosis and Delay in Treatment Compensation Claims – what you need to know!

We can’t press enough just how important it is to instruct the right medical negligence lawyer when you have been let down by our National Health Service. Medical negligence – also known as clinical negligence – is a complex area of law that is fraught with inherent difficulty when it comes to pursuing a personal injury claim.

We as The Injury Lawyers are experts in all areas of personal injury law and our specialist medical negligence lawyers are more than equipped to help you if you have been misdiagnosed or suffered delays in your diagnosis or treatment.
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April 01, 2015

Birth defect and injury compensation claims

There are some subjects of law that can be terrifying to even think about – and birth injury and birth defect claims are certainly amongst them.

After the pain of labour, bringing a life in to the world should be a wonderful experience; but if the worst happens and something goes wrong that could have been prevented, we are here to help you.

We know this is a sensitive issue but what you may not know about starting a case for birth injuries and birth defects is that the concept of pursuing a claim is aimed at making the victims life – and their family’s life – better.
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April 01, 2015

MHRA launches call for hormonal pregnancy tests investigation

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has announced the launch of a call for evidence in relation to oral hormonal pregnancy tests (HPT’s) like Primodos and their links to birth defects. HPT’s are no longer in use here in the UK (as well as many other countries) since the 1970’s following concerns over side effects in children.

The Injury Lawyers, as a law firm with decades of experience in representing victims of negligence, have welcomed the launch of the investigation.
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March 31, 2015

Medical Negligence – when professionals perform treatment on the wrong side

This article is on the subject of something we have discussed before in blog topics and is something we are more than familiar with dealing with here at The Injury Lawyers. The reason we’re going on about it again is because of a recent article in The Independent that has covered the issue of medical professionals confusing their left with their right; and vice versa.

As the article discusses, some of the most horrifying cases of medical negligence boil down to a catastrophic human error of confusing the right and left.
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March 18, 2015

Can I claim as a former patient of Desmond D’Mello at Daybrook Surgery?

Yes you can – we are currently representing huge numbers of the former patients of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Desmond D’Mello. Thankfully the majority of the patients we act for have received the news that they are clear of serious blood borne infections like HIV and Hepatitis B and C.
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March 18, 2015

5 former patients of Desmond D’Mello Diagnosed with Hepatitis C

NHS England have confirmed in their press release of this week that five patients they have tested have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

This news comes as no surprise to us as we are already representing former patients of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Desmond D’Mello who have contracted the disease. The news is a worrying blow to the thousands of people who have been treated at the Daybrook Dental Surgery in Arnold for decades.
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March 13, 2015

Eye Injury Compensation Specialists – The Injury Lawyers

Eye injury claims can be a complex area of law and it is important to make sure you instruct a lawyer with extensive experience in pursuing and valuing eye injury claims. Specialist medical evidence is normally needed, as well as the experience and knowhow to make sure that you – as the victim – receive the maximum amount of compensation in the shortest possible time.

Read on for more about eye injury claims and for information on how much you may be entitled to receive.
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March 12, 2015

Client awarded just over £5,000 for slip in an untidy workplace

Did you know that there are specific regulations that govern the safety of flooring in the workplace? These are known as The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations and they say that an employer must ensure that traffic routes in the workplace are free from dangers that may cause a person to slip or fall.

Using these important regulations we have obtained just over £5,000 for a client after she slipped in an untidy workplace.
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March 11, 2015

Time is running out to claim PIP breast implant compensation!

Like many of the victims in the UK, if your claim has failed or hasn’t been started because the clinic you had the original operation with no longer exists, has changed names, or for any other reason, then you need to contact us now!

We cannot stress this enough – we are adding claims to French proceedings with a cut off point of the end of this month. If you don’t register your claim in the French action you may face never being able to receive a single penny of what you are entitled to.
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March 11, 2015

Leg Injury Compensation Advice – How much and what to do!

Even the simplest of leg injuries can result in a great deal of pain and discomfort. Non fracture injuries can still be enough to cause a significant degree of disability as most leg injuries can have a real big impact on your everyday life.

Working, socialising, and even getting about the house can be made far more difficult – so read on for some advice about what you should do and how much you can claim for.
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