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February 27, 2015

What is the lowest level of compensation for a whiplash injury?

Many people are curious to know what their whiplash claim will be worth in terms of the value of the claim. As whiplash injuries are so common, there is a lot of hearsay about how much claims are worth and it’s easy to give people estimates and averages.

But if we’re talking in terms of the minimum payouts, so you can know at least how much you will get as a bottom line, what are the amounts on offer?
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February 27, 2015

Do ALL injury lawyers take 25% for whiplash claims?

The simple answer is: NO!

I know this because we don’t have to take 25% from your whiplash claim. In fact, we can often offer far better agreements, that can save you thousands of pounds to maximise your whiplash compensation claim.

25% for whiplash claims is common though – so here’s an insight in to why this is and how the law works now.
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February 27, 2015

I slipped on a spillage in the supermarket – will they compensate me?

Supermarket slippers are a real common type of claim that people need to make when they have suffered injury and loss after a slipping accident. It’s easy for a victim to slip on a spilled food or drink product, or on floors where the area has been mopped and signage hasn’t been deployed.

If you slip in a spillage in a supermarket though, where do you stand on being able to make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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February 25, 2015

Is whiplash a real injury?

There have been a lot of media reports for many years that claim to debunk whiplash injuries. For those who have never had any experience with whiplash it can be easy to be suckered in to the way the media suggests that whiplash isn’t a proper injury or isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

Well the truth is far simpler than you may think – whiplash is a real injury and let me explain to you some things about it that you probably didn’t know.
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February 25, 2015

Vaginal Mesh Implants ‘as dangerous as asbestos’ according to US lawyer

A news report from the BBC confirms that a US lawyer who has been working for the victims of the allegedly dangerous vaginal mesh claims says that they are ‘as dangerous as asbestos.’ The lawyer, named in the report as Adam Slater, gave evidence to Members of the Scottish Parliament in the midst of an ongoing inquiry in to the safety of the devices.

In the report, US lawyer Slater suggests a cover up where women are ‘not told the truth’ about the safety of the devices.
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February 25, 2015

23,000 cyclist accidents in London over last 5 years

Staggering figures from a BBC news report reveal that the number of cyclist accidents in London over the last 5 years is at an alarming high of 23,000. We represent cycle accident claim victims all the time so we know that they’re common and we know of the devastating affect that these accidents can have on the victims. But this figure of 23,000 is a shocking amount.

The figures from the report also confirm that there were 80 deaths in the same period, and there has already been four deaths in this year alone. This stands for just the London area – to quote Transport For London in the article that “any accident is one too many” just goes to show the gravity of these statistics.
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February 20, 2015

Cosmetic Surgery in the news – the risks, the decline, the pressures

With recent news reports indicating that there has been a decline in the number of people undergoing certain cosmetic surgery procedures, we’ve found a continually growing number of people seeking help after suffering from cosmetic surgery negligence. With the subject of cosmetic surgery being in the news so prominently, there is a greater awareness of the risks and it’s believed that this is one reason why less people are reportedly going under the knife.

But our specialist lawyers who have obtained thousands of pounds for cosmetic surgery negligence victims are telling the tale of a subject that is still very popular amongst people in the UK.
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February 20, 2015

Birth Injury Compensation Claims

Pregnancy and the process of childbirth is a worrying time as it is and we put our faiths and lives in the hands of the medical professionals to make sure a child is delivered safely. But when things go tragically wrong, people deserve answers and justice.

Whilst childbirth is fraught with inherent risk and danger, there are awful occasions when mothers and babies alike are let down by those who are supposed to care for them. When tragedy happens, our specialist medical negligence team are on hand to assist.
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February 18, 2015

Standard payouts for whiplash without medicals

Are you settling your claim directly without any medical evidence? Have you been told by the insurers that you could save some time and get a little more by ‘cutting out the middleman lawyer’ and dealing directly? Are you now negotiating a sum but want some advice about its merits?

If the answer to the above is yes then I have some bad news for you…
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February 18, 2015

25% solicitor fee for accident claim – the new trend

From what we know, most lawyers are taking the full 25% for something called a Success Fee which the government stopped innocent negligence victims from recovering from the opponent in April 2013. Before the changes you could get all your legal fees back and keep all of your payout, which is fair. But the changes have stropped this and flipped the whole system on its head!

So is 25% the be all and end all? What are the other charges involved? What are the upfront costs and expenses?
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