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December 17, 2014

Desmond D’Mello Daybrook Scandal – Hepatitis C Positive Results Confirmed

Many of those who had the testing at the Arnold Health Centre in the initial stages have now received their results. The vast majority are negative, but for those who have tested positive, we are actively investigating the cases.

You do not have to have tested positive to be able to claim though – whatever the outcome of your results, we’re here to help.
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December 12, 2014

Midlands firm The Injury Lawyers leading the fight for justice for former Daybrook patients

Our specialist Daybrook Dental Team have been working so hard to help those who want justice as former patients of Desmond D’Mello at the Daybrook Dental Practice. Thousands of people have come forward for help since the NHS launched their recall to test and advise patients for serious blood-borne infections like HIV and Hepatitis.

Our Daybrook Team are leading the way in the fight for justice for those affected, and hundreds of former patients who are now claiming with us have shared their experiences and helped to bolster the evidence mounting against D’Mello.
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December 12, 2014

Daybrook horror stories from former patients of Desmond D’Mello

I tell you – when I first heard about the news of Desmond D’Mello reusing gloves, not washing his hands, and using unsterilised equipment, I felt ill; and I’m not even a former patient!

That feeling of sickness is something that has been shared amongst many of the former patients who have discovered in recent weeks that they have potentially been exposed to horrendous blood-borne infections like HIV and Hepatitis.

As each day goes by and we accept more and more claims, we’re hearing hundreds of horror stories from former patients about the things D’Mello would allegedly get up to.
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December 12, 2014

No Win, No Fee Daybrook Dental Claims against Desmond D’Mello

We’re offering our exclusive no win, no fee services for former patients of Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello who want justice for being exposed to serious infections like Hepatitis and HIV.

As a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we only offer our no win, no fee when we’re confident in the case we take on. Whilst there are always plenty of unknowns in the early stages of group actions cases like these, we’re offering to fund claims for those who want our help.
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December 11, 2014

No response from Desmond D’Mello for former Daybrook Patients with The Injury Lawyers

Since the news broke out about the Daybrook dental scandal, we’ve been taking on significant volumes of cases for people who want justice for being exposed to serious infections like HIV and Hepatitis. We firmly believe that we’re now representing far more patients than any other law firm, and we’re way ahead when it comes to progress.

From what we have seen and what we have been informed, a lot of firms advertising out there are either not law firms, and simply claims management companies who farm cases to lawyers; or firms who don’t really know what to do and are shying away from committing themselves to the fight.
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December 11, 2014

Desmond D’Mello Patient Recall Widens for Former Daybrook Practice Patients

We always knew that it was set to be a significant task tracking down all of the former patients of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello. We’re aware that records were apparently being kept in toilets with dentistry equipment, and there are real concerns over the scale of the task in tracking down former patients as part of the recall.

Media sources report that the recall is now widening in efforts to track down the 22,000 patients that may have been affected.
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December 10, 2014

Did Desmond D’Mello know all along his run would come to an end?

I’ll start by just saying that this is all speculation based on what we can see about Desmond D’Mello’s activities since he has been suspended by the General Dental Council. What we can see is evidence of a swift appointment as the director of a new company within weeks of his ownership of the Daybrook Dental Surgery coming to an end.

So we ask the question – did D’Mello have a backup plan all along? Does this add more insult to the hurt he has caused the former patients we are now acting for?
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December 10, 2014

Desmond D’Mello at Daybrook Dental Surgery – an insight in to the CQC report

We have of course seen the report commissioned by the Care Quality Commission which triggered the striking off of Desmond D’Mello for ignoring important infection control procedures. Here’s an insight in to the report and what it tells us about the mindset of the man the media are calling the ‘Dirty Dentist.’
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December 09, 2014

Daybrook Scandal – dental equipment regularly on display not an efficient way of working, but dangerous corner cutting

Hundreds of the former patients of Mr D’Mello who our specialist Daybrook Dental Negligence Team are now fighting for have had their say as former patients of the man the media have labelled the ‘Dirty Dentist’ – and the stuff we hear is nearly always the same.

One recurring statement from those we now act for is that dental equipment and instruments were often laid out in ready for their appointments; something we now know was down to failing to sterilise instruments properly, or at all.
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December 09, 2014

Desmond D’Mello – thousands have reached out for help, but the concerns remain

The original figure for the recall was 22,000 patients of the former Daybrook Dental Surgery Practice who were under the care of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello. We’re told that thousands of them have reached out for help using the dedicated advice line, and we’re advised that thousands have been to the Arnold Health Centre for testing and help as well.

Our claims helpline has been extremely busy over the last few weeks since we initiated our campaign to fight for justice for those affected by the scandal as former patients of D’Mello.
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