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December 09, 2014

Desmond D’Mello Patients – increased concern of those who were filmed

The activities of Desmond D’Mello, who was operating from the Daybrook Dental Surgery in Nottinghamshire, were secretly filmed by a whistleblower as evidence that he was ignoring important infection control procedures.

Hundreds were filmed, and the damning footage caught D’Mello red handed as he reused gloves, failed to wash his hands, and even used unsterlised equipment.

For some who were filmed, the concern has been even greater for them.
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December 08, 2014

Our Daybrook Dental Team on seeking the right advice and help for former patients of D’Mello

We’re a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers with decades of experience in fighting for the rights of anyone who has suffered as a victim of negligence.

We’re a real law firm – which means we’re not one of these claims management companies, accident advice services, agencies, or partnerships that involve themselves in just passing claims round to a law firm that isn’t of your choosing.

So our Daybrook Dental Team that is leading the way in the litigation against Desmond D’Mello has some useful advice for you. Read on for more!
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December 08, 2014

The significance of the impact on those affected by Desmond D’Mello of the Daybrook Dental Practice

We’ve blogged a fair bit about the effect that the Daybrook scandal has had on former patients who are now claiming with The Injury Lawyers specialist Daybrook Dental Team. Hundreds of our clients have had their say, and they have given us a valuable insight in to what it was like as a patient of the media dubbed ‘Dirty Dentist’ and we’re hearing the same things time and time again.

One thing that is profoundly evident though is just how well liked he was in the local community.
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December 08, 2014

What Desmond D’Mello’s patients were told when he mysteriously disappeared!

We now know that Mr D’Mello had been stopped from practicing whilst investigations commenced in to evidence that was brought to light from a whistleblower indicating extreme and serious breaches of NHS infection control procedures. It seems that, perhaps for years now, D’Mello had been putting his patients lives and wellbeing at risk through reusing gloves, not washing his hands, and using unsterlised equipment.

Of the hundreds of clients we act for that have had their say about their experiences, we’ve heard from many who happened to have appointments in the June to October period, and we have been given an insight in to what people were told.
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December 05, 2014

Desmond D’Mello patients claim “He just never had the time. He took too much on”

The reason as to why Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello decided to turn his back on his patents and his community, and put their health and lives at risk, still remains a mystery. To date, no reason has been actually given, and we can only speculate based on the evidence and experiences of the hundreds of former patients who have had their say as clients of our Daybrook Dental Team.

There is one popular running theory though – and this article is here to explain it.
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December 05, 2014

‘Physically Sick’ – a common feeling amongst former patients of Desmond D’Mello

We have had hundreds of our clients giving us feedback about their experiences as a former patient of the media dubbed ‘Dirty Dentist’ Mr Desmond D’Mello. It’s given us a useful and unique insight in to the merits of the allegations against him, and what we can say so far is that the trends undeniably speak for themselves.

A common phrase people have used so far is expressing how physically sick and ill the whole thing has made them feel.
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December 05, 2014

Daybrook Dental Surgery & Desmond D’Mello – Then and Now

Hundreds of former patients who we are now acting for have had their say on their experiences as patients of the Nottinghamshire dentist Desmnd D’Mello, who was struck off this year after a whistle blower secretly filmed him breaching important infection control procedures.

Of the many who have had their say, they all share very similar stories and memories. The trends are appearing and we’re building a picture of what he was like as a dentist and a businessman. For those who have had appointments in the post-D’Mello era, we’re getting reports of a very different dental practice at Daybrook.
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December 04, 2014

Former patients of Desmond D’Mello urged to contact our Daybrook Team urgently

Whilst we are helping former patients of Mr D’Mello regardless of whether they have had extensive treatment with him or not, former patients who did happen to have extensive work from him are being urged to come forward as soon as possible.

There are serious concerns about the history of treatment and advice provided to former patients of the Nottinghamshire dentist who was struck off earlier in the year when investigations revealed a litany of NHS infection control procedure breaches.
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December 04, 2014

Daybrook Dental Practice Scandal – what else have former patients been exposed to?

Hundreds of the clients we are acting for have given us useful insights in to what it was like to be a patient of disgraced Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello. Some of the things we have heard are unbelievable – we’ve been regularly blogging about it all, and we’ll continue to do so.

But a big question that remains unanswered is this: what else have former patients of the ‘dirty dentist’ been exposed to?
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December 03, 2014

‘Angry, upset, and gutted’ – how our Daybrook clients feel to the news they’ve been potentially exposed to HIV and Hepatitis

We’re writing a lot about our clients experiences as former patients of the ‘dirty dentist’ at the heart of the Daybrook Dental Surgery scandal. D’Mello has potentially exposed 22,000 people to serious blood-borne infections through ignoring important NHS infection control procedures.

The news of the fall of a man who has been described as a ‘pillar of the community’ has hit many people really hard – hundreds of our clients who were former patients have expressed their upset about what has happened.
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