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November 20, 2014

Desmond D’Mello – AKA ‘The Dirty Dentist’ – just how far did he go?

One whistleblower; secret footage of 166 patients; and the biggest NHS recall ever seen in the UK of its scale and nature.

More than 22,000 patients over a period of 32 years are being asked to reach out to the NHS for advice and testing after investigations found that Nottinghamshire based dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello of the Daybrook Dental Surgery had been potentially ignoring infection control procedures for years.

But with the story only breaking last week, the question on many people’s lips is this – just how far did the ‘Dirty Dentist’ go?
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November 20, 2014

Thousands reach out for help as concerns over Desmond D’Mello continue

Since the news broke that Nottinghamshire based dentist Desmond D’Mello had been caught and filmed ignoring NHS infection control procedures by a whistleblower, thousands of former patients have reached out for help and advice.

We’re an expert firm of personal injury lawyers who are specialising in Daybrook Dental compensation claims and we have been advising a lot of people since we commenced our campaign to obtain justice for those affected.
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November 19, 2014

Medical Negligence: a little advice

Medical Negligence is a term that gets thrown about a lot, but few people know what it exactly means and are therefore less informed when it comes to knowing if they have a legitimate claim or not. In this blog we hope to help you out by explaining what Medical Negligence is and how you can go about claiming if you think you have suffered due to a medical negligence incident.
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November 19, 2014

Our clients have their say on Mr D’Mello – the ‘Dirty Dentist’

We’ve taken on several cases for victims of Mr Desmond D’Mello who was operating at the Daybrook Dental Practice in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, for more than 32 years. Unfortunately for the 22,000 patients he has seen in his long career, he was allegedly found to have been breaching NHS infection control protocols and was filmed doing so by a whistle blower.

We’ve been speaking the clients we are representing about their experiences with Mr D’Mello, as well as how they’ve reacted to the news of the scandal.
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November 19, 2014

D’Mello Patients Face Long Wait for Results

We’re already taking on cases for victims of Mr Desmond D’Mello who was secretly filmed by a whistle blower ignoring important NHS infection control procedures; putting thousands at risk of serious diseases like HIV and Hepatitis.

Recent press sources from the NHS have confirmed that more than 2,000 people have contacted the advice line and been for testing for blood-borne viruses that D’Mello could have exposed them to. Our own sources have indicated that patients face a potentially lengthy and agonising wait for help and results.
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November 17, 2014

Working at Height Accident Claims Advice

Falling from height can cause very serious damage and can potentially cause fatal injuries. This is why there are specific laws and regulations set up for anyone who is ‘working at height‘ as it is understood how serious a fall from height can be.

At work, your employer has a responsibility for when you may need to work at height and you are exposed to a risk of being injured.
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November 17, 2014

Manual Handling Claims Advice

If you have suffered an injury at work through handling heavy or awkward goods, lifting equipment, or operating heavy machinery that requires a lot of strength, you could be eligible to make a manual handling compensation claim.

There are specific regulations under The Manual Handling Operations Regulations that govern your employer’s responsibility to safeguard you at work and prevent a manual handling injury.

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November 17, 2014

Desmond D’Mello – Daybrook Dentist investigation continues as new facts come to light

We’ve already started taking on compensation claims for those affected by the Daybrook Dental Practice scandal after sources from the NHS revealed that a whistleblower had uncovered potentially years of poor infection control procedures concerning patients.

Mr D’Mello practised at the Daybrook Dental Practice in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, for a considerable period of time – it is thought that more than 22,000 patients may have been risked to exposure of serious infections like HIV and Hepatitis for more than 32 years.
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November 12, 2014

What to do when you are not given protective equipment at work!

Have you had an injury because you weren’t given proper protective equipment? Protective equipment can be hard hats, goggles, gloves; a whole host of things. If you should have been better protected at work, you should be entitled to make a claim as it is NOT your fault that your employer has failed to protect you.

In this blog we hope to underline the main points of Personal Protective Equipment claims and how it can help you get the compensation you deserve.
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November 12, 2014

Potholes, dangerous kerbs, and other accidents in public

Let’s say you have had an injury as a result of a pothole or a defect in the street that should have been filled in ages ago – can you make a claim? Who do you claim against? How do you claim? In this blog we hope to shed some light on the matter and help you understand the process of making a claim under these circumstances.
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