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November 04, 2014

Do I need a lawyer for a personal injury compensation claim?

At some point you may have an accident and you will be approached by someone from the side at fault who will want to settle your claim for personal injury compensation directly with them.

They’ll say thingls like “you can cut out the middleman lawyer” and save time by settling directly really fast. They’ll sometimes also tell you that they’ll give you a little extra for not using a law firm.

But the truth is this – you are statistically, logically, and probably going to under settle your claim, potentially by thousands of pounds, by settling directly.

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November 04, 2014

Claim advice after being hit by a car going round a bend

Bends in the road are accident hotspots for various reasons. The common scenarios are vehicles not stopping in time and hitting the back of another car on the bend, perhaps because traffic has slowed, cars pulling out of a side road and being hit by a vehicle coming fast around a bend, or where the vehicle from the opposing direction veers over on to the wrong side of the road when trying to negotiate a bend.

So when it comes to accidents caused by being hit by another car or vehicle on a bend, who is at fault, and can you claim for personal injury compensation?

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October 31, 2014

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Compensation Claims Advice

PTSD can affect a victim in so many different ways. It’s a condition that is often misunderstood by many people without exposure to either having it themselves or knowing someone who is, or has, suffered with PTSD.

You can claim for ‘psychological’ injuries and PTSD is a diagnosable injury that can be claimed for in a personal injury compensation case. So read on for more advice.

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October 31, 2014

Neck Injury Compensation Claims

The most common form of a neck injury is in the form of whiplash, which is normally caused through a road traffic accident. If the muscles and ligaments in the neck area are stretched beyond their normal range of movement then you can end up with pain and stiffness for a prolonged period of time.

So read on for more advice about what you can claim for in a neck injury compensation claim and what kind of pay-outs you may be looking at.
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October 31, 2014

What happens to a claim when a Defendant denies liability

When you instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim, you have every chance of being successful in recovering compensation. This is for a number of reasons which I will go on to discuss in this blog.

Unfortunately it can be quite common for the opponent to try and defend the claim, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to us when we see an insurer denying liability for a case we have submitted to them.

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October 28, 2014

No Win, No Fee Manual Handling Compensation Claims

Manual handling injuries in the workplace are unfortunately common. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations that employers must abide by outline in clear detail the duty of an employer in what they need to do to prevent an employee being injured in the workplace by a manual handling injury.

Manual handling injuries commonly involve the back which is always a dangerous place to injure. So can you make a no win, no fee manual handling injury claim?

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October 28, 2014

Broken scaphoid compensation claims

A fracture to the scaphoid is a fairly common type of break in the wrist. We represent a lot of clients who have suffered a break to the scaphoid so we’re more than used to representing victims claiming for personal injury compensation for a scaphoid fracture.

The common scenarios are normally slips, trips, falls, and bike accidents. Read on for a little advice about what you can claim for and what payouts you can commonly expect.

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October 28, 2014

Floor mopped at work causing a slip accident – can you claim?

A mopped floor is, for fairly obvious reasons, one heck of a danger in the workplace. There are many health and safety rules and regulations that employers must abide by to keep their employees safe at work, and given how much of a clear and present danger a mopped floor can be, there ought to be no excuse for letting a slip accident happen in such circumstances.

So where do you stand, and can you make a claim for personal injury compensation for a mopped floor slip accident at work?
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October 27, 2014

Do all personal injury lawyers charge a success fee?

April 2013 saw the government’s shakeup of the personal injury claiming world which has, in simple terms, left the innocent victims losing out.

For a long time now people have had fair access to justice by being able to make a claim for personal injury compensation and receive the full amount of their payout. They were entitled to recover all of their legal fees from the opponent, meaning they were fully compensated.

But the hugely influential and vastly wealthy insurance industry that has close ties to the government managed to change all that!

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October 27, 2014

Ms W awarded £5,650 for whiplash injuries in rear end shunt

Whiplash – ignore the rumours that the press love to spread, which is largely fuelled by the insurance industry who don’t want you to make a whiplash claim for a road traffic accident.

Why don’’t they want you to claim? Simple – it helps them to make even higher profits when people don’t pursue a whiplash claim when they are perfectly entitled to do so.

Insurance is there to cover you, which is why Ms W approached our expert road accident team here at The Injury Lawyers for help with her claim.

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