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October 27, 2014

Advice for Mesothelioma‎ compensation claims

Mesothelioma is an awful condition. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer, develops in the cells in the protective lining around the organs, and the most common site of the disease is in the lungs.

Many Mesothelioma sufferers have developed the deadly condition through exposure to asbestos which was widely used in our country, and many people who worked with asbestos may have been exposed to it.

It has been said that asbestos kills more people than road traffic accidents – so it’s important to know your rights.
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October 24, 2014

How do you know who is a good personal injury lawyer?

With so many law firms and claims companies out there to choose from, how do you know who is the best injury lawyer to represent you for your claim?

Here is a quick guide as to what we think you should look out for when selecting a law firm to fight for your claim for personal injury compensation. Naturally we’ve based it on the way we work which we believe is the best way!

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October 24, 2014

Whiplash claim what am I entitled to?

Whiplash claims are very common and many people want to know what they are entitled to claim for when making a personal injury compensation for whiplash. So if you are looking at making a whiplash claim and you want to know what you are entitled to, read on for advice about what the claim can include and what sort of payout you may be looking at.
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October 24, 2014

Slipped on a wet patch? Find out if you can claim today

The best thing to do is call our claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 for free and friendly advice about your options for claiming.

But if you are just after a little bit of an idea as to whether you may have a claim for slipping on a wet patch, read on and I’ll try and answer some questions you may have.

If you have slipped and injured yourself then you could be entitled to thousands of pounds in personal compensation.

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October 22, 2014

Wait, when did I agree to be charged 25% from my claim and be liable to pay for insurance?

The new rules that have shaken the personal injury claiming world to its core has left a trail of confused accident victims in its wake. For a long time we have been used to the idea of 100% compensation for most types of claims, thanks to the access to justice principle which recognises that the innocent victim shouldn’t have to lose out when making a claim.

But we all know the Tories love a good bout of cuts and love to reshuffle the law – the changes from April 2013 have gone way too far and many people simply don’t know where they stand anymore.

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October 22, 2014

Exploding iPhone 6? American man claims his device set fire and literally burned a hole in his pocket

There always seems to be some form of controversy surrounding any new iPhone release – but the “bend gate” issue where it is claimed that the new devices can literally bend out of shape in a person’s pocket is definitely one of the bigger ones.

But sources form The Independent report that the iPhone 6 doesn’t just bend, but it can apparently set fire and burn a hole in your leg if it’s subjected to certain degrees of damage.

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October 20, 2014

Ladder accident injury claims – no training!

Some people may say that the act of being able to use a ladder safely is obvious and requires little or no training whatsoever. But in reality there can be quite a lot to consider – such as using the correct type of ladders, ensuring the ground is safe to place the ladder on, considering whether a colleague is required to steady the ladders and what sorts of jobs can be carried out safely on the ladders.

So training to identify this sort of thing is important – and health and safety legislation demands that employers provide it.
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October 20, 2014

Serious heel injury compensation claims advice

Heel injuries, whilst largely uncommon, can be very serious where fractures are sustained. Serious heel injuries can leave an injured accident victim needing surgery, a significant recovery and physiotherapy period, and permanent and / or long term problems.

There is a lot to consider when it comes to serious heel injury claims – so read on for more advice about what we look at for valuing a case like this.

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October 20, 2014

Injury claims for road or path resurfacing accidents

Even concrete and tarmac cannot withstand a battering from the weather – particularly in cold and wet conditions when potholes can be formed in a matter of weeks. It’s important that our roads and paths are well maintained to prevent injuries from trips and falls due to uneven surfaces or defects, and it’s equally as important for the safety of drivers as well.

But what if you are injured in an area that is being resurfaced because of the works that are being carried out?

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October 20, 2014

Loss of teeth, or tooth damage, injury compensation claims

I bet there aren’t many people out there who enjoy going to the dentist – teeth and damage to the teeth isn’t a very pleasing thing to think about, is it?

Tooth damage or loss of teeth in an accident can be a real nightmare – there’s the constant pain, expensive dental work, and the vanity issue of looking different due to noticeably missing teeth.

So what can you claim for, if you need to make a claim for compensation for teeth damage or loss of teeth?
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