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October 09, 2014

Broken foot injury compensation claims advice

Any lower limb injury, especially breaks, can be very painful and debilitating in even the most straightforward of cases. You’ll often need the limb to be immobilised for a set period of time, and you may not be able to bear weight on the foot either.

This can all lead to a lot of inconvenience, time off work, and financial problems. So read on for advice about foot injury compensation claims for fractures.
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October 08, 2014

Mr E awarded £4,000 for nail gun accident at work

A nail gun falls within the scope of work equipment and is therefore governed by The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. These rules, for years, have been very strict with the most prominent section of the legislation saying as follows: “ (1) Every employer shall ensure that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.

So when Mr E approached our expert team here for legal representation, we were more than happy to oblige.

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October 08, 2014

Garage lifting injury claim advice

There are many places of work where manual handling is a big part of the role, despite the job not being classed primarily as a manual handling orientated career. The truth is that any workplace is subject to The Manual Handling Operations Regulations because lifting can occur in all sorts of workplaces, from offices, to warehouses.

So what about lifting and pushing / pulling in a garage?

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October 08, 2014

Foot caught on a workplace hazard – compensation advice from The Injury Lawyers

There are loads of workplace regulations that are designed to protect employees from being injured during their course of their employment. When it comes to slips, trips, and falls, the most prominent piece of legislation is usually The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations which has a specific section that covers the condition of floors and traffic routes.

So if you have been the victim of a trip and / or fall due to getting your foot caught on something in the workplace, what are your rights?

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October 07, 2014

Whiplash and headaches – advice from The Injury Lawyers

If I had a pound for every time I have used the phrase “whiplash is normally a lot more complicated than most people think” then I’d be a rich man indeed! I’ve said it many times in my articles on the subject, and I normally say it to anyone who asks me for advice about whiplash claims and personal injury compensation.

Whiplash can cause a number of associated side effects, and headaches are one of them.

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October 07, 2014

Mr J Awarded £2,550 for minor concrete chemical burns at work

Mr J approached our specialist team here at The Injury Lawyers having suffered from chemical burns due to exposure to concrete as part of his job role. The provision of personal protective equipment in the workplace is of paramount importance in preventing injuries like this in the workplace, but unfortunately for Mr J, his employer failed him on this occasion.

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October 03, 2014

I need an accident lawyer!

Had an accident that wasn’t your fault? Need an accident lawyer to represent you for a claim for personal injury compensation?

Read on for some important and VITAL advice about what you need to know when you’re in need of an accident lawyer to help you with a case. Different law firms work in different ways so it’s important to understand the ins and outs of charges, procedures, and ways of working.

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October 03, 2014

Deep cuts/lacerations to the leg – advice from the Injury Lawyers

Any fall or impact injury can result in deep cuts (lacerations) to the legs, which can have a far greater impact on a person’s life than most people might think. If it’s a deep wound then it may need to be surgically cleaned and stitched or stapled, and you may need to immobilise part of the leg to prevent the wound from reopening.

Read on for more advice about how we can value a claim for a leg laceration and what sorts of things we look at.

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October 03, 2014

Welding injury compensation claims

Welding can be a fairly dangerous task for rather obvious reasons. We have such stringent health and safety rules and regulations here in the UK to protect workers from being injured unnecessarily in the workplace.

Where a risk of injury can be reduced or completely avoided, an employer has a duty to take whatever reasonable steps are necessary to achieve this. So read on for more information about making a claim for personal injury compensation if you are injured in a welding accident at work.
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October 02, 2014

My solicitors want to charge me 25% – can I change to a different firm?

The government legal fee reforms from last year have resulted in most lawyers now taking at least 25% from their client’s payout to cover a Success Fee which is no longer recoverable from the other side.

Some people have entered in to agreements without realising that they will face potentially huge deductions, and when they get to the point where they have realised what they could lose some money, they want to change to a different lawyer.

So if this has happened to you, can you change solicitors and get a better deal elsewhere?

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