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September 26, 2014

Cancer care compensation victim donates payout to hospital that failed her

Sources from the BBC report that a victim of poor care at Southend Hospital who failed to diagnose her condition has donated large sums of her payout to the same hospital that failed her in the first place.

Victim Jemma Irwin who tragically passed away this month from cervical cancer left several thousands of pounds from her £320,000 payout to the radiotherapy and counselling units at the hospital in a move her mother has described as “brave”.

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September 25, 2014

Whiplash claim fees capped at 25%

It’s common now for a law firm to take 25% of your whiplash claim payout if the case is successful. The government stopped lawyers recovering a Success Fee from the other side and this can now be taken from your payout; but it is capped at 25%.

So with the cap set at 25%, the market rate for lawyers has settled on 25% – but some lawyers are taking much more to cover additional fees, and some are demanding upfront payments too.

So what are your best options?
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September 25, 2014

Should I deal directly with an insurer because a law firm will charge me?

The government stopped you from recovering all of your legal fees for a personal injury case in April 2013. As a result most law firms are now taking at least 25% from your payout and some are asking for upfront fees or making you pay additional fixed charges at the end of the claim.

So with access to justice now at an all time low thanks to the overzealous reforms, where do you stand on being better off by dealing with an insurer directly?
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September 25, 2014

What are the upfront costs for personal injury compensation claims?

Did you know that the days of 100% compensation are somewhat a thing of the past due to government legal reforms from April 2013?

Whilst we personally still offer agreements where people are not at a loss in real terms for some cases, as well as being able to save our clients thousands of pounds by not charging the ‘standard’ amounts that many law firms charge, the concern of upfront costs is of course a huge issue.

But what if I was to tell you that you don’t have to pay upfront costs or claiming?
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September 24, 2014

Do I need a local lawyer?

With so many law firms to choose from to represent you for your claim for personal injury compensation, people will often end up short listing solicitors based on criteria such as their location.

It makes sense I suppose – if you have a local law firm dealing with the claim then you could have access to see them whenever you wanted and you ought to be guaranteed that you won’t need to travel around as part of the case.

But you could be losing out by using a local lawyer for a claim for compensation – read on for why.
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September 24, 2014

5 reasons why you SHOULD make a work accident injury claim!

Many people are worried about making a claim for personal injury compensation for a workplace injury or accident for fairly obvious reasons. People are naturally worried whether making a claim will affect their job, cause ‘bad blood’ and prevent your career progression, or perhaps get anyone in to trouble.

So to put your mind at ease, here are 5 reasons why you should make a claim as an employee injured in the line of duty.
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September 24, 2014

Private treatment for whiplash when making a claim

Whiplash – unless you’ve had it, you’ll probably have the same rather limited and misunderstood idea that it’s nothing but a little pain and stiffness in the neck that has hardly any affect on the victim whatsoever.

But if you have had it or you are suffering with it now, then you no doubt realise that it can be a lot more complicated and a lot longer lasting than most people think. I’ve had it, and in some ways, it’s never fully gone away three years on.

Here we’ll look at private treatment for whiplash which can normally help a lot.
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September 19, 2014

Old machinery causing accidents in the workplace – where do you stand?

To protect employees in the workplace there are a lot of health and safety laws and regulations. Whilst many take for granted the need for such strict rules, statistics show that they help to keep accidents to a minimum, which is always a good thing.

But in an age of continuing economic difficulties there are situations where business are taking risks by not replacing and maintaining old machinery in the workplace – so where do you stand if you end up being the victim of an accident due to old machinery at work?

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September 19, 2014

£400,000 deep vein thrombosis compensation for medical negligence

Most people are aware that deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can be very serious indeed, and can be fatal. It’s important that medical staff know how to spot the signs, particularly for those in high risk categories. We have a specialist team of medical negligence solicitors and legal executives who are continually fighting for the rights of victims of medical negligence incidents.

In this story from the BBC, a mother in Ireland is to be awarded £400,000 after her DVT was not spotted in time, resulting in life altering consequences.

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September 19, 2014

Health and Safety prosecute Derbyshire business as worker loses thumb

As a firm of specialist personal injury solicitors we represent high volumes of workers who need to claim for personal injury compensation for accidents and injuries in the workplace. There are a lot of workplace health and safety regulations that are designed to safeguard workers from being at risk of injury – but when employers fall short, people can claim.

The Derby Telegraph reports of the Staveley firm that has been fined after a worker lost his thumb and had to have it replaced with his big toe.

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