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September 17, 2014

Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal: Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright Resigns

More than 1,400 children were abused over a 16 year period in the Rotherham area because police and local government officials failed to stop it. The aftershock from the Jay Report that revealed damning revelations of catastrophic failures on the part of the authorities in dealing with and managing a child abuse scandal on an unimaginable scale is still fresh in everyone’s mind.

Following several key resignations, top politicians, including the Prime Minister himself, have been calling for PCC Shaun Wright to resign as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner – but he has been digging his heels in and refusing to leave his post.

Media sources have now confirmed that he has finally resigned.

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September 17, 2014

The costs of compensation claiming – what your solicitor may not be telling you!

Last year the government radically changed the way in which victims who are entitled to bring a claim for personal injury compensation can fund their cases. The days of 100% compensation, and thus 100% justice, for all who suffer at the hands of negligence are somewhat of a thing of the past now.

But it can be a minefield in knowing and understanding exactly where you stand with an agreement for a solicitor to act for you – so we have written this insightful guide to help you avoid the many pitfalls that people will often not consider.
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September 17, 2014

Footage released of speeding driver in fatal Birmingham car crash

The Derby Telegraph has reported of a speeding Birmingham driver who killed a passenger in a horrific smash that was caught on CCTV camera. The footage has been released by West Midlands Police after the driver responsible, Saqib Hussain, was sentenced to six years in prison for the death of the passenger in the other vehicle, Noreen Ryan.

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September 12, 2014

Nottingham children’s home abuse claims increase to 13

We recently blogged about the victims of an abuse scandal dating back to the 1970’s where five care homes in the Nottinghamshire area were found to have been involved in the abuse of children under their care. At the centre of the investigation was The Beechwood home in Mapperley, Nottingham, and it was confirmed that at least 80 victims had been found.

As ongoing legal battles for compensation continue, sources from the BBC have revealed that the number of homes being investigated has increased from five to 13 homes.
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September 12, 2014

Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal – MP’s investigate Police failures

16 years; 1,400 victims; and an array of councillors, local government employees, and police officers responsible for the neglect of children on a grossly significant scale.

The affects of the Jay Report that revealed more than a decade and a half of child abuse that was allowed to continue despite knowledge of the problem by the authorities and the police is still being felt. New reports from RT confirm that MP’s are investigating police failures given the severity and scale of the scandal where children as young as 11 were intimidated, physically abused, and raped.
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September 12, 2014

Restaurant accident compensation claims

Restaurants can be dangerous places for both the public as well as people working there. We take on large numbers of Restaurant accident compensation claims ranging from slips and trips to burns from spillages or hot objects.

So here is a quick guide in to some common restaurant accidents and when you may be eligible to win a claim for personal injury compensation.
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September 11, 2014

Spinal injury compensation claims

The spine is, of course, one of the worst areas of the body you can damage – primarily when the injury is serious. So in a spinal injury compensation claim it is as important to choose the right lawyer to represent you as it is making the claim itself.

If you are looking in to making a claim for personal injury for a spine injury accident, read on for vital advice about what you can claim for, what you could get paid out, and how you can make sure you maximise the amount you receive by instructing the best law firm for you.
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September 11, 2014

Eyebrow Tinting compensation advice from The Injury Lawyers

There is a duty of care for salons and providers of beauty and cosmetic treatments to ensure that clients are not injured or suffer adversely as a result of procedures and work carried out. In the vast majority of cases where products are used, a patch test can be performed to identify any potential adverse reactions or allergies that may occur.

But sources from the BBC have recently confirmed that the number of salons who are not providing patch tests is huge, and victims are coming forward.

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September 11, 2014

Hit by a car on the pavement – where do I stand?

When it comes to an accident involving a vehicle and a pedestrian, it is often the drivers of vehicles who have the higher duty of care. This is common where accidents take place involving pedestrians crossings or crossing the road in general, or where cars and pedestrians may mix together, such as in car parks.

So where do you stand if you are injured as a pedestrian on a pathway or pavement? What are your rights for making a claim for personal injury compensation?

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September 10, 2014

Achilles tendon injury compensation claims

Achilles tendon injuries can cause real and long term problems in even the most straightforward of cases. Common in slips and trips were the tendon may be stretched beyond its normal range of movement, or subject to an impact injury, we’re more than used to fighting for clients suffering with such injuries.

From lost earnings to private rehabilitation there can be a lot that we need to take in to account – so have a read on for some useful advice.
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