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September 10, 2014

What do I need to start a road accident compensation claim?

Okay, so you’ve had a road accident and you were not at fault – perhaps you have been hit in the back, or another driver has pulled out on you from a side road, for example. Whatever the circumstances, you may be eligible to compensation if the accident was not your fault and you have been injured as a result.

Whiplash is a common injury from these sorts of incidents, and if you want to know what you need to be able to start a claim for personal injury compensation, read on!

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September 10, 2014

Fallen down an old manhole cover – Injury Lawyers advice

Personally I avoid walking over manholes – not out of suspicion but out of concern given the large amount of claims we take on that involve manhole covers breaking, moving / flipping, or being missing in general. As you can imagine, the sorts of injuries one can sustain from such an accident can be nasty.

So if you are the victim of being injured due to an old manhole cover, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?
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September 09, 2014

Stepped on a tool at work and been injured? Workplace compensation claim advice!

Many workplaces can end up cluttered when workers are busily going about their jobs. In the case of construction sites and similar working environments it can be typical for tools and tackle to end up in all sorts of places in the working area.

But there is no excuse when it comes to the traffic route regulations and making sure that employees are safe when navigating the workplace. If you are injured having stepped, tripped or slipped on a tool at work then read on for some vital advice.

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September 09, 2014

Mrs R awarded £3,875 for leg wound after beer garden trip

Mrs R was the unfortunate victim of a tripping incident in the beer garden of a pub when her foot was caught on a marble stone. Unfortunately there was a parasol stand in the vicinity with no parasol in it, and it was landing on the stand that caused the injury.

It’s lucky she wasn’t more seriously hurt – thankfully she wasn’t, and we’re pleased to confirm that we have obtained a settlement of £3,875 for the laceration and subsequent scarring.
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September 09, 2014

Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal: Council Chief Martin Kimber to step down

Following the recent Jay report that revealed more than 16 years of child abuse that was left unpunished, despite council and police knowledge, The Guardian reports that the council chief executive will step down at the end of the year.

The news comes as no surprise given the calls for senior council officials to leave their posts after it was revealed that more than 1,400 children were abused even though the council and the police had significant knowledge of what was going on.

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September 08, 2014

Fatal motorcycle accident footage released as Safety Awareness warning

You may have seen the harrowing footage of the moment 38 year old David Holmes lost his life in a tragic motorcycle accident at a junction in June last year. It’s been widely shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and the video has already clocked millions of hits on YouTube.

The footage, captured on David’s helmet camera, is truly terrifying and shows the moment of impact when the driver found responsible pulled across his lane.
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September 08, 2014

Mr T awarded £7,500 for manual handling injury as a security guard at work

Mr T was employed as security guard when he was instructed to move heavy sandbags in the course of his duties. He hadn’t been provided with any manual handling training, and as a result of both the lack of training and the nature of the task he was instructed to carry out, he suffered a back injury.

This ended up being quite a complex case due to more than one company being pursued, and due to the fact the opponents were disputing responsibility.

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September 05, 2014

New victims of the Rotherham child abuse scandal come forward

The BBC has reported this week that at least 12 new victims have come forward since the Jay Report uncovered disturbing evidence of significant local government and police failings that allowed an estimated 1,400 children to be abused over a period of 16 years.

The conclusions in the report made clear that the number given was only an estimate and there remains the very real concern that this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
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September 05, 2014

Tripped over raised paving slab? Make a compensation claim today!

If a paving slab becomes loose or raises and causes a lip, it is an obvious tripping hazard. Most people are not looking at their feet when they’re walking along and it is not expected that anyone should be – after all you’d end up walking in to all sorts in front of you!

So if you are injured due to a lip caused by a raised or sunken paving slab then you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.
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September 05, 2014

Evidence guide for council and highways act claims

When it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation when you are injured on a public footpath or highway, evidence is key. It’s both important to have the right evidence to be able to properly and adequately pursue a claim as well as having the right evidence to give yourself the best possible shot of succeeding with the claim.

So if you want to know the tips and tricks, read on for some vital advice.

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