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September 04, 2014

Child Safety Officers involved Rotherham Scandal not due to face disciplinary action

Sources from The Independent confirm that Rotherham Council chief executive Martin Kimber has said that none of the child safety officers involved during the period of the Rotherham child abuse will face disciplinary action. The news was announced in an ’emotionally charged’ public cabinet meeting despite the growing anger over the scandal and the failures of the authorities involved.

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September 03, 2014

Half of Derbyshire man’s pancreas “dies off” after paramedic failure

Sources from The Derby Telegraph have confirmed that a paramedic told a man to take pain killers following chest pains when he was later admitted to hospital after half of his pancreas had ‘died off’.

The ambulance service has apologised after the victim was left at home instead of being referred for the urgent and immediate medical attention he required. Two days later he was referred for urgent admission to hospital by his GP where the discovery was made.

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September 03, 2014

Miss R Awarded £30,000 in Pelican Crossing Accident

I remember when I was younger my school would regularly drill in the importance of safety when it came to crossing the road. Look, look, and look again – I remember the hedgehog adverts that aimed to ensure youngsters were safe when attempting to cross.

But when you use an official crossing such as a pelican crossing you expect to be able to use it safely. The rules of the road are clear and the duty is for the driver to give way when you have the right of way is important. Unfortunately for Miss R the defendant driver failed to pay the due care and attention owed which resulted in her sustaining injury and loss.

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September 03, 2014

Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal – ‘Institutional Political Correctness’ probe to be launched

In the wake of the significant and serious failings of local police forces and local authority workers that allowed more than 1,400 children to be abused over a period of 16 years, a probe in to ‘Institutional Political Correctness’ is now to be launched, sources from The Telegraph confirm.

The probe, ordered by Home Secretary Teresa May, is a response to the Jay Report that brought to light one of the worst child abuse scandals ever, where the failures of the authorities allowed a sustained period of abuse involving thousands of minors.

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September 02, 2014

Medical Negligence Claims – Where you stand!

We put our trust – and often our lives – in the hands of the medical professionals we see. Whist many professionals do a fantastic job, and whilst we must always remember that there are frontline staff fighting an uphill battle in an age of public spending cuts and the ongoing credit crunch, there are certain things that should never happen.

So the question of ‘what do I do?’ if something does appear to have gone wrong is normally one of the first on a victims lips; especially because, when things do go wrong, they can often go horrendously wrong.
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September 02, 2014

Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal – Police announce independent investigation

The horrifying events surrounding over a decade and a half of neglect and failure to act by authorities in the South Yorkshire area, where more than 1,400 children are said to have been abused, remains in the headlines. We looked at the report by Professor Jay that brought to light the extent and severity of both the failings and the abuse last week. In light of what has happened, the police have announced an independent report in to their mishandling of the abuse scandal will now take place.

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September 02, 2014

Miss B Awarded £1,200 for kettle burns in hotel accident

There are what we sometimes refer to as ‘standard accidents’ or ‘common cases’ for personal injury claims; but as a firm of expert injury lawyers, we represent victims for all sorts of accident scenarios. When Miss B approached us for an injury she had sustained when staying at a hotel, it was certainly an unusual set of circumstances. But the accident in her view and in our view was something she could claim for despite it being hard to prove – this case can show the power of issuing court proceedings.
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August 27, 2014

Injured because gloves at work are too short or do not cover your arms

There is a duty in law whereby employers must provide suitable Personal Protective Equipment (or PPE as it’s known for short) where an employee may be exposed to a danger that they cannot eradicate. Gloves are one of the most common forms of PPE used in many workplaces; but the duty is not just about providing gloves, it is also about ensuring that they are suitable enough.

So in the case of gloves that fall short of protecting you (quite literally), where do you stand?
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August 27, 2014

Fell down an open drain in the road – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Don’t feel daft if you have fallen down an open drain in the road – there is case law that supports that a victim of a hole trip or fall should not be persecuted for not watching their feet. If you were to look at the ground wherever you are walking then you’re probably going to end up walking in to someone or something ahead of you!

So if you have fallen down an open drain or manhole in the road, you may be entitled to claim for personal injury compensation. Read on for more advice.
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August 27, 2014

Rotherham Child Sex Abuse Scandal – 1,400 victims identified over 16 year period

The horrific events surrounding the revelation that around 1,400 children who have been abused over a 16 year period in the Rotherham area is all over the news. An independent report has been commissioned by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council which has identified systematic and continual failures by the police and agencies between 1997 and 2013.

The extent of the failures and depravity of the crimes committed is harrowing.
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