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August 26, 2014

Hand crush injury compensation claims

A crushing injury to the hand can be significantly debilitating and will often leave the victim with long term impairment. We deal with a lot of crushed hand injuries that largely arise from work accident claims so it is important to know your rights and instruct an expert injury law firm to represent you for a case.

We’ll take a look at some useful workplace health and safety law as well as what you can claim for when it comes to a hand crush injury claim.
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August 26, 2014

Slipped on yoghurt – injury claim advice!

Whilst the common supermarket slipping claim is often shunned by people who believe the spin that the press regularly report about injury lawyers and compensation claims, you’ll likely find yourself needing one if you become the unfortunate victim of an accident resulting in injury and loss!

Yoghurt is somewhat of a prime culprit when it comes to slipping accident compensation claims and they commonly occur in shops and supermarkets – so what are your rights if this happens to you?

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August 26, 2014

Compensation for Norovirus victims at River Dart Country Park in Devon

On 13th August 2014 Devon’s River Dart Country Park was closed after a serious outbreak of the Norovirus left more than 90 people severely ill, sources from the BBC report. New reports indicate that some victims are seeking compensation for the park’s alleged failure to provide adequate advanced warning to guests who were due to stay there after managers knew of the outbreak.
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August 22, 2014

Hit by a car backing out of a driveway?

Reversing a vehicle requires care and consideration for potential hazards – especially when visibility is reduced which is often the case when a driver is backing out of somewhere. A manoeuvre like this needs to be performed slowly and steadily to ensure that other drivers or pedestrians are not put at risk.

But despite the obviousness of all of the above it is still a common scenario in road traffic accident compensation claims – so read on for your rights.
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August 22, 2014

Chaos as 800 guests at 5-star hotel in Rhodes struck down with violent bug

An outbreak of what has been suspected as viral gastroenteritis or the Norovirus affecting 800 guests has caused chaos at the Lindos Imperial hotel, according to sources from The Daily Mail.

Amongst the 800 victims are said to be 50 British families in an outbreak that has lasted 10 days and has left guests violently vomiting and suffering bouts of serious diarrhoea at the £200 per night hotel on the Greek Island of Rhodes.

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August 22, 2014

Slip on liquid accident compensation claims advice

Slipping on a liquid substance on the floor – whether it’s simply water, oil, juice, or perhaps some trodden on fruit or food – will likely result in some form of injury. Whether you’ve hit the ground and bruised or broken limbs or even where the slip has caused a twisting injury to an ankle or the back perhaps, it can be a painful experience to go through.

So what happens if you slip on a liquid in a public place like a shop or a supermarket, or perhaps if you have slipped on liquid at work? Can you make a claim for a slipping injury compensation?
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August 20, 2014

Broken wrist compensation claims advice

Most fractures can cause a significant degree of disability, discomfort, and loss of amenity. A broken wrist will normally put most people out of work for at least a few weeks in even the simplest of cases.

So if you have been the victim of a broken wrist injury and you think you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation, read on for what you need to know when it comes to what you can claim for and what you can expect to receive.
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August 20, 2014

Compensation claims against decorators for negligence

Decorators, or any other workers who are carrying out jobs on homes or other places where people will be, have a clear duty to ensure that their working activities do not cause harm to anyone. When it comes to decorators there are plenty of hazards they can create – although as long as they stick to their legal obligations there shouldn’t be any problems.

But when they fail to take all reasonable steps to prevent an accident occurring they can be liable to compensate an injured victim.
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August 20, 2014

Mr Z awarded £4,750 for lifting injuries in the workplace

Mr Z was working as a chef for the Defendant where he was often required to lift heavy items such as large sacks of potatoes. Despite requests, he was never provided with appropriate help for assistance for such tasks resulting in an enlarged hernia in the abdomen.

Lifting and carrying tasks in the workplace are normally very dangerous – so read on for what happened in the case of Mr Z.
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August 19, 2014

My claim is an ‘open and shut case’ – so why is my solicitor taking a percentage from my payout?

Ever since the government changed the law in April 2013 there has been a great deal of confusion over why innocent accident victims are losing some of their payout. The gist of things is that the government have stopped you from recovering all of your legal fees from the opponent.

So why is it that in even the most straightforward of claims you may still face a deduction?
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