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August 19, 2014

Mrs S awarded £6,000 for pathway trip in her garden

Now before you wonder how someone can sue for a trip on their own property, I need to let you know a little more about the background of this one.

Mrs S was the victim of a defective pathway trip in her back garden as the pathway was in considerable disrepair. The property was a rented property and as such there is a duty on the landlord to ensure their tenants are reasonably safe.

There was knowledge of an issue and it was not acted upon – unfortunately Mrs S fell victim to a large defect on the pathway which resulted in considerable damage to her teeth.
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August 15, 2014

Falls in the workplace – where you stand!

There are plenty health and safety rules and regulations we have in place that employers are legally bound to adhere to. But despite our country’s fairly sterling reputation for safety we still take on and win large volumes of cases for falls from height in the workplace.

So let’s look at some of the regulations and where you may be entitled to make a workplace claim for personal injury compensation. You could be entitled to thousands of pounds from a falling accident in the workplace.

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August 15, 2014

The HIDDEN costs of claiming for compensation

Most people are aware nowadays that it costs to claim. This is thanks to overzealous government reforms from April 2013 that have stopped innocent accident victims from being able to recover all of their legal fees from the opponent.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the level of fees that can be recovered was slashed and is set at a barely workable fixed rate as well. Lawyers normally recover their reasonable hourly rates but now victims are facing lower service levels and less access to justice.

So in this crazy world of claiming costs, where do you REALLY stand and what isn’t your law firm telling you?

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August 15, 2014

Hair dye compensation claims advice from The Injury Lawyers

Back when I was a young man I’d regularly have my hair bleached with streaks; something I haven’t had done in years now. It’s extremely common and many people will regularly have their hair dyed professionally in salons, and for the most part nothing goes wrong.

But when it does go wrong, it can go horrifically wrong! We have represented many victims for compensation claims when hair dye has been done negligently so read on for advice.

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August 13, 2014

Go to The Injury Lawyers DIRECT – Solicitors with NO hidden costs!

A lot of our clients claim with us because of how upfront and honest we are when it comes to claiming. Unlike many companies out there on the internet, we are an ACTUAL law firm and not just a referral agency. We actually run your claim – we don’t palm you off on to someone else.

When it comes to getting a lawyer through one of the thousands of middlemen out there, it’s hard to understand what the costs for claiming are. Even going to a law firm directly can leave you confused about what you may need to pay and when.

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August 13, 2014

Miss B awarded £2,000 for slip in Morrisons Supermarket

The new protocol for public liability and employers liability claims is making the process much faster for settling claims. Miss B’s claim form was only submitted in December 2013 and in less than six months we have obtained a settlement.

She was the unfortunate victim of a slip in Morrisons supermarket on spilled yoghurt resulting in several bodily soft tissue injuries and cuts to the hand caused by glass on the ground.
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August 12, 2014

No Win, No Fee Supermarket Claim Lawyers

If you have had an accident in a supermarket you may be entitled to claim personal injury compensation. The Occupiers Liability Act, which is the law that governs health and safety for visitors to supermarkets, says that they should take all reasonable steps to prevent an accident.

If we can prove that the supermarket has breached the regulations that they must adhere to, the Law says you can be compensated.

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August 12, 2014

My solicitor wants to charge 25% – can I change solicitors?

Most lawyers are now taking at least 25% from your claim – in fact, some are taking figures of 40% and even wanting upfront fees for administration charges, insurance, arrangement fees, and all sorts!

So if you have just received some paperwork from a lawyer, or perhaps you have just spoken to a law firm about starting a case, can you change firms if the charges are too high? When is it too late to get out of your dealing with a solicitor and come to us for a better deal?

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August 08, 2014

Tail lift accidents at work – claims advice from The Injury Lawyers

A tail lift on the back of a lorry or wagon at work can be classed as work equipment. As such its use and condition is governed by The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations which place a number of duties on both employers and employees.

So if you are injured in an accident at work involving a tail lift, you may have a claim for a work injury compensation. Read on for further advice.
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August 07, 2014

Bike accidents at a crossroad – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Crossroads are naturally accident black spots and they often involve cyclists and motor bike riders. Drivers should all know the rules of the road and we should all know that we must take extra care to look out for bikers as they are harder to spot when compared most other vehicles; especially at crossroads and junctions.

So read on for more information about what to do if you are injured as a biker at a crossroads.

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