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August 07, 2014

Miss S awarded £14,500 when her restaurant chair collapsed

We are very happy that we have managed to secure a fantastic payout for our client Miss S who was awarded £14,500 in compensation when she was the victim of a collapsing chair in a restaurant. All four of the chair legs came apart resulting in a horrific fall where our client sustained several unfortunate injuries as a result.

We had to really battle the other side on this one as well.
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August 06, 2014

Elbow Injury Compensation Claims

elbow injury claimsElbow injuries can of course be very debilitating. With little use of an arm when an elbow is either incapacitated or is in continual pain, it can lead to a lot of time off work and a lot of pain and aggravation.

So let’s look at what you can claim for when it comes to compensation for an elbow injury as well some rough payout guidelines too.

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August 06, 2014

Miss L awarded compensation from Motor Insurers Bureau in bus accident claim

The Motor Insurers Bureau (or MIB for short – no affiliation with the Men In Black!) are a not-for-profit organisation who have an agreement with our government and the insurance industry to compensate the victims of uninsured and untraced drivers. They investigate claims just like an insurer would do and they agree to pay out on behalf of the untraced insurer for valid claims, and they are funded through motor insurance premiums.

We’re pleased to have been able to secure a modest £1,000 settlement for Miss L who suffered minor injuries in these exact circumstances.
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August 05, 2014

Travelling salesperson manual handling injury claim advice

manual handling compensation claimsManual handling is something that must be addressed in nearly all forms of employment. Most people naturally think of warehouse operatives or construction workers when it comes to lifting and carrying claims, but the reality is it affects almost every working person.

As a travelling salesman or saleswoman, it’s likely you will need to carry round product specimens, information leaflets, laptops, and a whole host of other equipment and items. So there is a real risk of manual handling injuries in this line of work.

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August 05, 2014

Broken collar bone compensation injury claims

broken collar bone claimsIt’s easy to break your collar bone in an accident that wasn’t your fault. They’re common in slips, trips, and falls due to the impact of hitting a hard surface as well as high speed road accident cases.

Luckily these sorts of injuries are not generally known to be serious, but you are of course more than entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation for a fractured collar bone (clavicle) injury. So read on for some more advice.

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August 05, 2014

Ms N wins claim for fractured elbow after slipping on sweet packet in a shopping centre

case studiesA case that proves the importance of proof!

Certainly not the easiest of claims to win – Our client stepped on an abandoned packet of fruit sweets left on the floor of the shopping mall she worked at resulting in a fractured elbow and ongoing shoulder problems.

As you can expect, these kinds of cases are very hard to win – but when you have The Injury Lawyers fighting your corner for the case, we’ll take it all the way if we think we can beat our opponent!

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August 04, 2014

How much can a solicitor charge me for insurance?

how much are my charges?You’ve probably noticed that you cannot find a lawyer who is prepared to fund your claim on a 100% compensation basis. On top of that, many that you speak to want to charge you for insurance either upfront or at the end of the claim.

Sadly they cannot always tell you exactly how much this can be.

So if you’re in talks with a lawyer for a claim, read our advice below as we could save you from having to pay for any insurance whatsoever.

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August 04, 2014

Will I win a claim for a slip on a wet floor?

wet floor slipping claimsIt can be quite hard to determine whether you will win your case right at the start of the claim. We need to investigate the accident with the other side to find out whether they have a reasonable defence or not. Unless we actually pursue the claim we normally cannot really tell what their position might be.

But I can explain what factors can affect such claims as well as discussing the law that applies as this gives you an insight in to how things work.

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August 04, 2014

How easy is it to make a whiplash injury compensation claim?

In most cases it is dead easy to make a whiplash injury compensation claim. All you need to do is find the right lawyer who can progress the case as quickly as possible and settle the claim for the best possible payout.

It is very important to ensure you actually have a lawyer though – do not deal directly with insurers as you will more than likely end up under settling the case by thousands of pounds. So read on for vital advice about the process.
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August 01, 2014

How much can a personal injury lawyer charge me?

personal injury lawyers feesIn the good old days (well, prior to April 2013) most innocent accident victims could settle their claim for personal injury compensation safe in the knowledge that they would receive all 100% of their payout.

But then the vastly wealthy and hugely influential insurance industry applied more and more pressure on their government friends to shift some of that cost on to the victim. It doesn’t make sense – why should the VICTIM have to pay? But sadly the government went ahead and changed the rules anyway…

So how much can a personal injury lawyer charge you now?

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