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July 18, 2014

Exploding Pavements in London

london pavements explodingLondoners are living in fear after reports of exploding pavements causing serious injuries are on the rise. In the latest report from the Daily Mail, a victim of an exploding pavement has spoken out and warned that ‘deaths will follow’ after he was thrown in to the air and left hospitalised with serious injuries.

This isn’t the first time this happened and nor is this the first time a victim has been badly hurt.

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July 18, 2014

Who is at fault for a roundabout accident?

roundabouts are crash hotspotsTo be honest, it really does depend on the nature of the accident. Road accidents are common on roundabouts because they are crash hot spots. With so many vehicles approaching from so many directions, crossing lanes, and stopping and starting, it’s no surprise they are a common cause of accidents.

So who is at fault for a roundabout accident claim?

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July 18, 2014

Have you been hit by a sign in a supermarket? Injury claims advice!

supermarket sign accidentsSupermarket compensation claims are very common. With so many people using them on a daily basis, accidents are bound to happen. Whether it’s a slip, trip, or a fall, we’re taking on supermarket compensation claims on a continual basis.

But in an age where marketing is everywhere, we do take on and win claims for people who have been injured by signs. So what are your rights?

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July 18, 2014

Car insurance premiums still going up despite the cost of claims falling?

car insurance risingThere has been some mixed press about the effect that the personal injury reforms last year have had on the insurance industry. The legal reforms last year have resulted in accident victims now having to lose some of their compensation whilst the insurers pay a fraction of the fees that they used to pay.

So why are premiums still rising? Wasn’t all this reform designed to cut the cost to the motorist?

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July 16, 2014

100% compensation for road traffic accidents?

road traffic accidents 100% compensation claimsThe law changes last year mean that most law firms now take the full 25% from your payout, charge you (sometimes upfront) for insurance that costs hundreds of pounds, and there may be additional charges and deductions if you go through a claims management company or accident advice service instead.

So is there such a thing as 100% compensation for a road accidents nowadays?

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July 16, 2014

Slipped on price tags – advice from The Injury Lawyers

supermarket slip claimsPrice tags on the floor can be a dangerous hazard. Their small size does not mean they will not cause a slip – in fact, they can be very slippery and very hard to spot due to their small size.

So if you slip in a shop or other premises on a price tag or a pile of tags on the floor and you end up injured as a result, can you make a claim for a slipping injury for compensation?

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July 15, 2014

Chat to a lawyer online for free

We are a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers, and we’re here to help you with any advice you need about making a new claim for compensation. If you’re curious to know whether you might have a claim at all and need some legal advice then you can chat to us for free using our online live chat facility.

You should have already noticed the little pop up box in the bottom right corner of your screen… If you click on it you can engage with us instantly for some free legal advice. But in case you’re a little shy about starting a chat with us and you want to know more about us and what we do then please read on…
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July 15, 2014

Manual Handling Accidents Advice

manual handling at workWhen we hear ‘manual handling’ we often think of big, muscle-bound men loading vans as a bit of a stereotype. But in reality, manual handling can include any form of pulling, pushing, lifting and lowering objects in many workplace – so the chances are, whether or not you’ve noticed, you do it. You do not have to be working in a factory or a warehouse to lift and carry things on a daily basis.

In fact, manual handling related injuries contribute to 38% of injuries ( which suggests that it happens frequently; therefore we can’t go wrong in knowing a bit about it.

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July 14, 2014

Will the Defendant deny liability for my claim?

defendant deny liabilityMany people are naturally concerned that they will make a claim and the opponent, normally through their solicitors or insurers, will attempt to defend the case.

Winning a claim normally means the insurers pay for your injuries and losses as well as contributing toward our legal fees. This can leave them with a bill of thousands of pounds – so naturally they’re going to want to defend a claim where they feel they can.

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July 14, 2014

Do I need to see a medical expert for a personal injury compensation claim?

The way in which we value a claim for compensation is by getting a medical report from a suitably qualified medical expert and then using our wealth of experience as personal injury experts, and official guidelines at our disposal, to value the case.

Without this medical evidence, it’s difficult to properly value a claim. So read on for why it’s so important and how we go about getting it.
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