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June 27, 2014

Tripped on raised tile in a shop? Make a claim today!

A raised section of tiling is a fairly obvious tripping hazard. However, its not always noticeable to the innocent victim who unfortunately ends up injured by tripping over it. So, what are your rights when it comes to being injured due to tripping over a raised tile in a shop? Can you claim for compensation for a slip, trip or fall incident like this?
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June 27, 2014

Injured at work after being told to move something you know you shouldn’t

moving injury at work claimsManual handling regulations are stringent for a very good reason. Injuries that can be caused by lifting or moving something that is too heavy can be serious – especially when they affect the muscles in the neck, back, shoulders, and arms.

But what if you are told to move something you shouldn’t have moved? What if, just for one occasion, you are instructed to move something against company policy? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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June 25, 2014

A Quick Guide on who to Instruct for a Whiplash Claim?

whiplash claimsThere are loads of lawyers out there who can represent you for a whiplash claim. Being in an accident can be stressful enough – but what can be worse is when you suddenly get hounded with calls after an accident. This is unfortunately common because your details will probably be passed around loads of different law firms and claims companies by your insurers, garages, or websites you enquire with.

So who is best to instruct?

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June 25, 2014

Slipped On Wet Mopped Shop Floor, Can I Claim?

mopped shop floor claimsGenerally speaking, claims for personal injury compensation for slipping on a wet floor can be inherently difficult to win. The reason for this is that the law, which is normally The Occupiers Liability Act for when you visit a public place like a shop, doesn’t make it easy to win a case.

But that being said, it all depends on what has happened in your individual case, and you may be able to stand a much better chance if the floor was wet from mop water.

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June 25, 2014

The Right Injury Lawyers For You!

choosing the right lawyerChoosing the right injury lawyers for you is important. There are a heck of a lot of firms out there who will want to take your claim on, and as soon as you make some enquiries with online websites, be prepared to get inundated with calls as your information may be passed around.

So if the stress of finding a lawyer is as bad as the stress of an accident, take a step back, inhale a nice deep breath, and read this blog for some vital info.

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June 24, 2014

Index Finger Compensation – Injury Lawyers Advice

index finger injuries For many, an injury to the index finger is worse than injuries to other fingers. It can be the primary finger to use, so an injury to something as small as an index finger can still have such significant consequences.

So what are we looking at for payouts for index finger compensation claims, and what can you include in a case?

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June 24, 2014

Personal Protective Equipment Responsibility

ppe claimsSince the government legislation of 1992 it has been compulsory for Employers to provide the correct and appropriate equipment to ensure an employee’s safety. This is because of the danger in many work places that often cannot be avoided unless protective gear is warn.

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By Author
June 24, 2014

Will A Lawyer Get Me More Money For My Claim?

we are professional expert injury lawyersOK, so you could call me bias as this is coming from an actual law firm – so read on to let me explain to you exactly how we can get you more money.

We do get a lot of enquiries from people who are either considering dealing directly with an insurer or Defendant, or who actually are dealing with them, and those who have under settled with them and it’s too late for us to save them.

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June 23, 2014

Rear-End Collisions – Accident Claims Advice

rear end car accident claimsThere are some accidents that are almost guaranteed as a winner. If the title didn’t give it away I am going to discuss rear-end collisions. Although the sum of compensation is based on the severity of the injuries and this can vary between cases, it is almost certain that you have a case if you are injured by a rear-end shunt. We often refer to them as ‘no brainers’ given how easy they can be to win.

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June 23, 2014

Cellar Stair Accidents – Advice from The Injury Lawyers

what can you claim for with a personal injury compensation Cellar steps in particular are known to often be dangerous. The passageway can commonly be narrow, and the steps themselves are often small in size. They may also not have enough grip on them as well.

So if you need to use some cellar steps where the health and safety responsibility lies with someone else, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation if you’re injured?

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