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May 20, 2014

Tripped on dangerous cobblestone? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

cobblestone injury claimsCobbled streets are often old, so it’s important for local authorities to keep on top of maintaining them. You can easily end up tripping on a raised cobblestone, or falling due to a missing cobblestone.

So if this has happened to you, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation? Are the council liable to pay you out if you have been injured in a cobblestone accident?

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May 16, 2014

Foreign Objects in Food Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

foreign object in food claimsAs a firm of specialist personal injury lawyers, we’re used to dealing with all varieties of claims for personal injury compensation. We have represented many victims for claims against restaurants and shops for biting down and being injured when a foreign object is found in a food product.

Whilst these sorts of claims aren’t normally common, it’s certainly not unheard of. I remember once finding a huge stone type thing in a tin of tuna I bought – luckily I didn’t bite in to it, but I know of others who haven’t been as lucky as I was in dodging the danger.

So what can you do about it?

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May 16, 2014

Are you being asked to lift too much at work?

lifting heavy objects at work adviceLifting too much in any environment can be a real recipe for disaster. The last thing anyone wants to do is injure their back – which is ultimately one of the worst areas to injure yourself! Back injuries can often be lengthy, painful, debilitating, and cause long term problems. That’s why we have The Manual Handling Operations Regulations to protect employees in the workplace from excessive lifting injuries.

So what are your rights and what can you do if this has happened to you? Read on for more info about making a workplace claim for personal injury compensation for manual handling injuries.

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May 16, 2014

Slipped on Dairy Product – Injury Lawyers Advice

spilled dairy product slipping claimsDairy products can easily be spilled; and when they land on a hard floor, they can become a dangerous slipping hazard. The old saying ‘don’t cry over spilt milk’ may not apply to the victim of an accident who has twisted their knee or broken their arm due to a dairy product spillage.

Whether it’s a spilt patch of milk in Morrison’s or some ice cream melted on a shopping centre floor, what are your rights if you slip on a dairy product spillage? Can you make a claim for personal injury compensation?

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May 15, 2014

Derby Student Teacher Refused Payout for Pothole Damage

100% compensation claimsInterestingly this is the second news story I’ve seen recently where the media appear to be hitting out at the council for refusing to pay out for pothole claims. As an injury law firm, this is most unusual because we often find it’s the media hitting out at lawyers and victims for claiming against a local authority!

This story comes from our home county of Derbyshire, and tells the tale of a student left with a £210 bill for car damages that the council are refusing to pay. So let’s take a look at what’s happened.

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May 15, 2014

Driver Suddenly U-turns Causing Accident

driver u-turn accidentsFor most road accidents, it’s usually easy to establish who is at fault. If someone goes in to the back of you or pulls out from a side road in to you, they’re the one who should be accepting the blame.

But sometimes there are circumstances where it can be hard to show exactly who is to blame. A lot of it is down to what version of events people give as to what happened. If you have an honest person who is willing to hold their hands up and accept responsibility for what they’ve done, then great. But what if you don’t?

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May 15, 2014

Slipped on a Vegetable in a Supermarket or Shop? Injury Lawyers Advice

slipping on vegetablesIt sounds both embarrassing and clichéd – being injured and making a claim for personal injury compensation for slipping on nothing more than a bit of vegetable on the ground. But for the victim, it’s not as funny or as daft when it comes to making a claim as some might assume.

It only take one little bit of cabbage or carrot to cause a slipping accident. Especially when mashed and trodden on, vegetables like this can make for a slippery bit of ground. So if you are the victim of a vegetable slipping accident, what can you do?

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May 14, 2014

Work Gloves Not Good Enough for the Job? Injury Lawyers Advice

100% compensation claimsGloves can be an important piece of equipment used in the workplace to protect you from hazards to the hands and arms. Whether you need to handle hot liquids, sharp objects, or chemicals, they can be used as an effective measure of protection from dangers in the workplace.

Gloves at work fall within The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations category, which is something employers must abide by. In this blog, we’ll be looking at the suitability of gloves, not the actual provision of them.

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May 14, 2014

Delivery Driver Pothole Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

delivery driver pothole dangersFor the most part, I expect that a delivery driver’s main concern when it comes to an accident is a road accident. With them being on the road so much, the likelihood of being in an accident is of course higher. But what about pothole accidents caused when you are employed as a delivery driver?

We all know that the state of our roads in some areas is extremely poor. And you may end up falling over due to a pothole on a delivery destination. Read on for more advice.

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May 14, 2014

Can I Claim if Someone Drives in to the Back of Me?

car crash compensation claimsIf someone drives in to the back of you, it is highly likely that you will have a successful claim for personal injury compensation. We often refer to rear end collision accidents as ‘no brainers‘ because they are almost guaranteed winners.

If someone has hit you from behind, it usually means that they have failed to stop in time. Whether it is down to driving too fast, not braking quickly or hard enough, or not paying attention in general, it’s normally their fault.

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