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May 13, 2014

No Win, No Fee Explained if your Claim Does Not Win

genuine no win no feeThe principle of a No Win, No Fee agreement should always be that the accident victim pays nothing if the claim doesn’t win. But there are some lawyers out there who will land you with a bill if the case is lost, and thanks to some legal fee reforms from last year, you may have to pay upfront fees as well.

So here is an explanation of what you should look for and what solicitors may still charge you if the claim doesn’t win.

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May 13, 2014

‘Dazzling’ City Centre Pavement Leaves Pensioner Badly Injured

100% compensation claimsThis unusual story comes from sources at The Daily Mirror and tells of the horrific facial and limb injuries a 74 year old lady suffered when she fell after slipping on a kerb she had difficulty seeing. The street in Lincolnshire has been revamped with colourful paving both on the road and the pathway, making the kerb allegedly difficult to spot.

North East Lincolnshire Council are now receiving calls to make the area safer and more than 50 people have been said to have signed an online petition.

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May 13, 2014

Why are my Solicitors Wanting to Charge 35% from my Claim?

losing moneyApril 2013 saw some huge changes in the personal injury claiming world. We have the government and their buddies in the insurance industry to thank for it when they caved to pressure from the multi-billion pound insurance giants to stop accident victims being able to recover all of their legal fees from the insurers.

Not exactly fair now is it? Why should the victim have to pay to claim? Well, that’s what happens nowadays I’m afraid. But what you need to know about is that some firms are going to take more from you than you ought to be paying.

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May 12, 2014

Hit and Injured by Swinging Gate – Injury Lawyers Advice

compensation from the injury lawyersWhilst uncommon, we have taken on and won claims for personal injury compensation where people have been hit by swinging gates. The force of a gate swinging open can be quite a dangerous thing to be hit by, and the injuries can be fairly serious.

If this has happened to you, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation? Let’s take a look at some examples together with the law to find out.

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May 12, 2014

Blackpool Hotel Dubbed a Literal ‘Death Trap’ Following Raid

Image courtesy of the Daily Star
Blackpool Hotel dubbed a death trap
I, like many, have been the victim of grabbing a cheap hotel deal only to find that the price is far more reflective of the quality than one might have hoped. Working in the personal injury industry has also exposed me to witness the shocking standards of some hotels out there as we do take on a fair amount of personal injury claims for people injured in hotels, guest houses, and bed and breakfasts.

But this story takes the biscuit…

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May 12, 2014

Car Crashes into House – Family Lucky to Escape Injury

Image courtesy of Coventry Telegraph
Image courtesy of Coventry Telegraph
An Audi in Coventry has reportedly crashed in to the front of a house, leaving the family who were sat watching TV in their living room lucky to have escaped injury. Sources from The Metro confirm that a passenger in the vehicle suffered neck, pelvic, and leg injuries after the Audi Saloon reportedly left the road and crashed 10ft deep in to the structure of the house.

The family living inside were lucky to have escaped injury but were freed by fire crews along with the injured passenger in the vehicle, which was blocking the family’s escape route.

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May 12, 2014

91 Year Old Man Dies on Council Run Minibus

Image courtesy of Bedforshire News
Image courtesy of Bedforshire News
The coroner for the inquest in to the death of 91 year old Ernest Harper of Bedford, who was fatally injured falling through a gap between the minibus and its tail lift, has called for the council’s inquiry to be made public to prevent future deaths, sources from the BBC say.

Mr Harper sustained multiple fractures and serious soft tissue injuries and haemorrhages when he fell through the gap when he was being helped off of the vehicle at his home address having just been released from a stay in hospital

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May 09, 2014

Slipped when lifting at work? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

work injury tripping claimsWhen it comes to manual handling in the workplace, it isn’t just about training in correct lifting techniques, providing equipment and enough people for a lift, and making sure lifts are performed safely; there are other factors to take in to account as well.

As the title of this blog may suggest, let’s look at slips when performing manual handling activities in the workplace. Is your employer negligent? When can you make a claim for personal injury compensation if you slip when performing a manual handling activity?

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May 09, 2014

Medical Negligence Claims – Are you waiting too long?

waiting too long for medical negligence claimsMedical negligence claims are inherently hard to win. The line between what is accepted as an ‘inherent risk’ or an ‘unavoidable scenario’ and negligent care can be thin. Most surgical procedures carry with them inherent risks, and some injuries and conditions are not easy to identify as quickly as we might hope.

But when it comes to waiting for care or waiting for a diagnosis, what is classed as too long? When delays result in complications or problems, what can be done?

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May 09, 2014

Gloucestershire cyclist pothole compensation claim rejected

Pothole claims can be very hard to win – that’s why you need the best legal advice!

This story comes from the BBC and covers a cyclist who has made a claim for personal injury compensation having rode over a pothole and been injured as a result. Cyclists are one of the most vulnerable victims of pothole accidents, and the injuries the victim can end up with can be fairly serious.

The case here of the cyclist in the BBC news article is testament to this – he broke his collarbone and hit his head hard when he fell victim to a pothole. So why has this case been rejected by the council?
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