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May 08, 2014

Poor Care for the Elderly – Sackings, Suspensions, and how to get Justice!

til01No one should have to suffer – those that do need to be heard!

Reports from the BBC have emerged recently about the poor standards of care elderly patients in nursing homes are at risk of being subjected to. Secret footage filmed by BBC’s Panama showed residents treated disrespectfully – facing taunts, manhandling, and even a case of one being slapped. Some were left unattended for hours, and bells that are used to raise the attention of care staff for assistance were even unplugged and switched off.

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May 07, 2014

Tripped on a raised carpet? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

tripping injury claimsCan you still get 100% compensation? Find out here

Health and safety legislation is aimed at making sure reasonable steps are taken to prevent a person from being injured. There are regulations for public places, workplaces, and as a resident in a rented property. Whilst the regulations may be named slightly differently, they all share the common purpose of protecting people from being in an accident.

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May 07, 2014

Hit and run accident – how to make a claim!

Hit and run situations are one of those really frustrating scenarios. Whilst you can still make a claim, and I will go in to how you can do this shortly, it’s frustrating to think that someone can be selfish enough to leave you injured to save themselves facing justice for their actions. What kind of human being lacks the compassion and decency to help someone out? Their selfishness can lead to victims not being unable to get the care they may desperately need, resulting in injuries being worse, or even leading to fatalities.
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May 07, 2014

How much compensation can I expect to receive?

how much is my compensation claim worth?Loads of people who are either making a claim for personal injury compensation, or considering it, are really keen to know what their claim could be worth. We understand this natural curiosity – in times of such financial hardship, it’s great to know that you could be awarded a healthy payout for your pain and suffering, and it’s always nice to know how much it is. Perhaps we can start thinking of that holiday to Spain or pricing up the cost of a new driveway if we knew how much we are going to get!

BUT – and this is a big but – it is not as easy as you might think to tell you right away from the start what your claim could be worth.

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May 06, 2014

How to Claim for Whiplash!

how to make a whiplash claimSTOP – contact us before you speak to insurers and claims companies to avoid under settling!

Making a whiplash compensation claim can sometimes be a minefield of stress and confusion. You’re likely to be bombarded with calls, emails, texts, and letters from insurers, claims companies, and solicitors all offering to help you out. Your details can be passed around to claims companies and lawyers by insurers, garages, and even the police.

So what should you do and how do you make a claim for whiplash in the right way?

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May 06, 2014

Legal Action for University of Derby HIV Scare Victims

Legal Action for University of Derby HIV Scare VictimsContact us for free legal advice about claiming now

We recently blogged about the concerning story that more than 600 past and present students at the University of Derby are being contacted after it was found that syringe barrels were being reused between students. This catastrophic error made by one particular individual at the university means hundreds are now going to need tests to find out if they have contracted HIV or Hepatitis B and C from the potentially contaminated syringe barrels.

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By Editor
April 30, 2014

High speed motorcycle accident claims advice from The Injury Lawyers

high speed motorcycle accident claimsNeed advice about 100% compensation for serious injury cases? Click here…

High speed motorcycle accidents are often either serious or fatal. Even crashes at 60 – 70mph can result in the victim being propelled through the air and bounced violently along the ground, with risk of a high speed impact as well. Helmets and protective gear can limit the damage to only some extent – we have seen some horrifying injuries caused as a result of motorbike accident claims.
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April 30, 2014

Hundreds of Derby University Students at Risk of HIV & Hepatitis

derby universityHIV and Hepatitis scare as University of Derby – hundreds affected

Reports have emerged from the Derby Telegraph that 606 past and present students at the University of Derby may have been exposed to HIV and hepatitis, according to sources. The NHS and the university are investigating blood test procedures carried out on hundreds of students by a healthcare worker who may be responsible for putting the students at risk.
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April 30, 2014

Building site fall injuries claims advice from The Injury Lawyers

building site injury claimsAll workplaces should be subject to the many workplace health and safety regulations that are in force. Such regulation is very important to protect employees from being exposed to risk that can be easily preventable.

Building sites can naturally be a hotspot for accidents and compensation claiming due to the many dangers involved in working on them. So what happens if you suffer an accident due to a fall on a building site? Can you claim and who do you claim from?
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April 29, 2014

Poor Road Condition Claims

pothole road defect injury claimsHave you been the unfortunate victim of an accident due to poorly maintained roads or highways?

Have you been a passenger or the driver of a vehicle and have fallen victim to a whiplash injury because of a pot hole in the road? Maybe you are the owner of a bicycle and have been injured riding over a defect on the road? If you have had an accident and sustained an injury as a result then you could make a claim for compensation.
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