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April 29, 2014

Road accident caused by driver panic? Injury Lawyers advice!

car accident claimsTo drive as safely as you can, you need to be cool and confident under pressure. As my instructor always used to tell me – ‘always be scanning ahead’ which I found to be a very useful piece of advice, especially as I commute quite a distance to and from work every day.

I avoid accidents several times a month, all of which are never my fault! So I consider myself to be a good and confident driver (famous last words if I have a crash soon!) and I see time and time again that other drivers panicking is a recipe for disaster.

So what happens when you’re the victim of a panicked driver? Can you claim?
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April 28, 2014

Burn injury compensation claims help

Even minor burns can result in prolonged pain and unsightly scarring, whether it’s in the short term or the long term. With minor burns, the pain will often go away in a few days, but damage to the skin may last longer.

So for a burn injury compensation claim, how do we value the case and what kinds of things can you include in a claim? Read on for an insight in to what we look for and what we do to value a burn injury case.
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April 28, 2014

T-Junction Road Accident Claims Advice

t-junction car crash compensation claimsThe rules of the road are fairly clear when it comes to T-junctions. Normally the road is clearly marked to indicate who has the right of way – and where a driver must give way to you, its expected that they will do so.

But if a driver pulls out of a T-junction and hits you, or perhaps they pull out in front of you leaving you no time to stop and resulting in a collision, you may have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Read on for more info on how it wall works and what your chances are of winning.
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April 28, 2014

Electric Shock Injury at Work – Injury Lawyers Advice

electric shock work claimsWhether you’re simply using a piece of office equipment like a photocopier as part of your everyday role, or whether you are working on a factory machine or using plant equipment, the last thing you expect is to end up with an electric shock from the equipment that should be safe to use.

There are specific regulations for workplaces when it comes to managing the health and safety of work equipment, so if you do receive an electric shock, you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.
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April 25, 2014

Handling Glass with No Gloves Injury Claims

broken glass injury claimsWe can offer 100% or competitive deductions for work accident claims in light of the law changes from April 2013

There are certain hazards in the workplace that can only be avoided through the use of Personal Protective Equipment – or PPE as its known for short. Handling certain potentiality dangerous materials can warrant the use of PPE, most commonly gloves. Glass can of course be dangerous for several reasons – it may have sharp edges for one, and secondly, if dropped, it could shatter and cause serious injuries to the hands and arms.

So what are the duties on employers when it comes to handling glass and providing PPE?
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April 25, 2014

Broken Finger Injury Claims

100% compensation claimsHow much do we take for a compensation claim? Read here for info

You’d be surprised at just how badly a broken finger injury can affect you when it comes to simple domestic tasks and being able to work in your normal capacity. As I sit here typing this blog I realise that even typing away on my keyboard could be a near impossible feat if I had a huge splint wrapped around one of my fingers!

Although if you’ve come to this blog I presume I’m preaching to the choir – so here’s some info on what you can claim for and what you can expect to receive for a broken finger compensation claim.
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April 25, 2014

Serious back injury compensation claim advice

Back injuries can be very painful and debilitating. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on serious back injury compensation. We will look at what you can claim for, expected payouts, and what’s the best direction for you to go in getting an expert claims lawyer.
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April 23, 2014

Car Accident Injury – Other Driver Drove Off!

car accident driver drove offIt’s an unpleasant enough experience to be in a car accident – but when the other driver drives off, knowing they’re at fault and attempting to escape liability, it’s infuriating. Perhaps someone has bumped you in the back, and given you a quick cursory wave in apology before driving off. Or perhaps you have been clipped on a roundabout and the other driver sheepishly makes their getaway in the hope you won’t find them.

If this happens to you, what can you do?
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April 23, 2014

Wrist Injury Claims – Injury Lawyers Advice

wrist injury claimsWrist injuries will often lead to a lot of discomfort and difficulty in doing everyday tasks we take for granted, as well as being commonly associated with the need for time off of work.

Whether you have slipped or tripped causing a knock or a break to the wrist, or whether you have injured the muscle tissue from manual handling, it’s important to know what you can claim for when it comes to a personal injury case for a wrist injury.

Read on for a bit of help and advice on the topic.
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April 23, 2014

Shattered Thumb Injury Claim

thumb injury claimsRead here why many of our clients can still keep all 100% of their payout!

Any injuries to the hands, fingers, or thumbs can leave the victim at a huge disadvantage when it comes to going about your everyday life. Unless you’ve been unfortunate enough to have injured yourself in this way, most people may not appreciate just how bad it can be.

It can affect you at work, domestically, socially – in most walks of life. On the subject of shattered thumbs – a most serious injury when it comes to the thumb – what can you claim for and what can you expect to receive?
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