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workplace injury claims
September 28, 2017

The Injury Lawyers helps claimant recover over £5,000.00 for broken wrist injury compensation

Another case settled by our expert injury claims team.

In this case, our client was injured by a large gate that shut on their arm. The gate was defective, meaning our client was exposed to a clearly foreseeable risk of injury that sadly materialised when they were injured.

As we often say, it could have been worse. A large gate closing on someone’s hand could have caused irreversible nerve damage from a crushing injury, or could have permanently debilitated the hand.
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workplace injury claims
August 03, 2017

The Injury Lawyers help factory worker settle accident at work claim for £9,000.00

The Injury Lawyers have successfully settled a factory worker’s claim in the sum of £9,000.00 after suffering an accident at work.

Our client was attempting to move a metal bail on a forklift truck which was attached to another one. In trying to separate the bails, one fell and crushed a hand, leading to fractures in the fingers. In this instance, safety gloves did very little to protect our client from suffering an injury in the workplace.
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choosing the correct solicitor
May 07, 2010

Victory for the victims of the Maclaren Buggy hinge defect

It’s always sad to hear of instances where people are seriously hurt in accidents or incidents that were not their fault; and even more so when the victims are infants or children. But what’s nice to hear is when justice is finally served, and the victims of negligence receive the payouts they duly deserve!

So in a combination of the above, does anyone recall the Maclaren buggy cases? We at The Injury Lawyers have actually authored a few blogs on this story, and we are pleased to report that according to sources from Sky News, UK victims of the defective pram – that caused the infant users to sustain serious lacerations, fractures and in some cases complete amputation at the end of the finger – from the dangerously exposed hinges of the fold up push chair will receive compensation for their suffering!
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