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mesh implants pelvic mesh inquiry
September 27, 2018

Hernia mesh compensation

You may be entitled to hernia mesh compensation if you’ve suffered complications. There are growing concerns over the use of hernia mesh, and victims of negligence may be entitled to claim.

Hernia mesh complications can be severe. Patients may need to undergo revision surgery for either a removal or partial remove of the implanted mesh. In some cases, revision surgery can be incredibly complicated.

Our Medical Negligence Lawyers are here to help you claim hernia mesh claim. Read on for further advice.

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September 13, 2018

Start your vaginal mesh lawsuit today

You can claim for personal injury compensation in a vaginal mesh lawsuit today if you’ve had problems with your implant after surgery.

Thousands of women have come forward from around the world suffering with problems as a result of vaginal mesh devices that have been at the centre of criticism and concern for a number of years. Our lawyers are already helping people claim compensation for problems with their vaginal mesh implant, and we can help you too if you’ve yet to seek legal help.

We’ve recovered millions of pounds for victim across a wide range of medical negligence and group action case. You can start a case today, and it’s quick and easy to do.

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the nhs may be heading for a summer crisis!
August 16, 2018

NHS staff shortages costing £1.5bn in temporary staff

According to recent research conduct by the Open University, NHS staff shortages are apparently costing the taxpayer around £1.5bn a year in temporary staff.

With the Royal College of Nursing saying there’s around 40,000 nursing vacancies, and widespread shortfalls in staff across the country, the cost of plugging the rota gaps is putting an even greater financial strain on the NHS funding situation. It’s thought that around half a billion pounds could be saved if these shortages were plugged with permanent staff instead of temps.

This all makes for worrying reading.

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No Win, No Fee
July 13, 2018

The Injury Lawyers home visit service

The Injury Lawyers home visit service is available for clients who claim with us and who are eligible for a home visitation with our experienced legal team.

If we’re prepared to take your case forward using our No Win, No Fee service, you may be eligible for a home visitation, depending on the nature of the accident you have had and the injuries you have sustained.

The best way to find out if you qualify for the Injury Lawyers home visit service is to contact us on 0800 634 75 75. Below is a little further guidance for you.

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July 04, 2018

The Serious Injury Solicitors you need

The Injury Lawyers are the serious injury solicitors you need. A large proportion of the people we help for personal injury cases are for serious injury claims.

In fact, for our size, we have a lot more serious injury victims claiming with us than some other law firms.

If you have suffered a serious injury, you must instruct specialist serious injury solicitors to make sure that the claim you make is pursued in the right way that has your interests at heart at all times. There are a number of things you need to ‘check-off’ when searching for serious injury solicitors, and we’ll outline some of them below.

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nhs care in crisis
June 26, 2018

450 Gosport Hospital deaths caused by opioid policy

According to the findings of an independent report, more than 450 Gosport Hospital deaths were caused by an opioid policy where patients received unnecessary medication.

Dr Jane Barton, a GP who worked at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital for more than 12 years, has been linked to the 456 deaths that took place in the 1990s as a result of life-shortening diamorphine; otherwise known as heroine.

Despite warnings from nurses working at the hospital, the dangerous opioid-use policy was reportedly in place for years. Consultants and other healthcare professionals are also being blamed for failing to speak out when there was clear evidence of malpractice; including pharmacists who would have known by the levels and nature of the drugs being used that something wasn’t right.

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the nhs may be heading for a summer crisis!
June 21, 2018

Millions at risk of dementia from drugs

According to a recent study, millions of people are at risk of dementia from drugs used to treat conditions like depression, incontinence and Parkinson’s disease.

The study findings indicate that the risk of developing dementia could be increased by a third later on in life when patients are taking certain types of medications.

Millions may be affected by prescriptions of anticholinergic medications that are used to control muscle contractions or help with mental health condition that are thought to potentially increase the risk of impaired memory functions later on in life.

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doctor papers
June 14, 2018

Breast cancer screening scandal update sent to parliament

A statement with a breast cancer screening scandal update has been sent to parliament by Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, last week.

It’s understood that some 450,000 women never received their appointment, and in the latest update, Mr Hunt confirms that almost 270,000 women have now received appointments.

Mr Hunt also suggests that the NHS is on track to have the full schedule of screening completed by the end of October this year.

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nhs care in crisis
June 07, 2018

Thousands of elderly patients waiting in A & E for more than a day

Recent reports have found that thousands of elderly patients are waiting in A & E for more than a day. According to data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), almost 15,000 patients aged 75 and over are reportedly waiting in Accident and Emergency for longer than 24 hours, which is totally unacceptable in our view.

Whilst we appreciate that the NHS is stretched in terms of funding and resources, we cannot allow elderly and vulnerable patients to not be receiving the care they desperately need in time.

A few hours could be the difference between life and death; a whole day to be waiting for care is simply too long.

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By Author
May 31, 2018

No, medical negligence victims should not have to settle for an apology

No, medical negligence victims should not have to settle for an apology. Unbelievably, this idea was recently floated around, and we are speechless that such a notion has been suggested.

With many medical negligence victims having to endure tough legal battles for justice, all the while suffering with injuries and complications that have been caused by medical negligence itself, the idea that they should settle for an apology is nonsense.

Medical negligence victims must never lose their right to justice.

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