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March 11, 2016

Risk of explosion identified in ZeniPower hearing aid batteries

A medical device alert has been issued by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for ZeniPower mercury-free batteries manufactured by Zhuhai Zhi Li Battery Co Ltd.

The affected batteries are said to cause a “low risk” of explosion due to excessive gassing causing the battery to expand and then possibly explode as the zinc electrodes react with the electrolyte to generate hydrogen.
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March 04, 2016

Heart Surgery survival rate under scrutiny at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham

According to information from The Guardian, statistics for survival rates of heart surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham are being investigated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Whilst final reports are yet to emerge and the hospital themselves are yet to address any potential issues, figures potentially show that 17 more people died than should have in the last three years at the unit.

Whilst the numbers may seem small, any problem (if there is one) of any scale is of no comfort to family members of anyone who has not survived heart surgery at the hospital.
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February 29, 2016

Specialist Medical Negligence Solicitors – What you need to know!

Our advice here comes from a great deal of experience, and we often advise our clients when they speak to us that one of the key things to remember when it comes to medical negligence law is that it is a very complex and specialist area of law.

Medical negligence is often far from straightforward, even in what are known as the ‘simpler’ cases. So, irrelevant of how strong you think your case is, you need to speak to specialist medical negligence solicitors like us.
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January 15, 2016

My GP wont refer me – help!

A failure to be referred for treatment or more investigation is one of the common types of medical negligence claims we help people with here at The Injury Lawyers. Our team of medical negligence lawyers are used to fighting for the rights of victims who have suffered complications or further undue suffering because their GP has not referred them in time, or not referred them at all.

So, if your GP has not referred you for further treatment or investigation, and this has ended up with you suffering a medical negligence, we can help you make a clam for medical negligence compensation.
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December 21, 2015

Clinical negligence: A failure to refer

One of the most common types of medical negligence compensation claims that we help victims for, involve a failure by the NHS – often a GP – to refer a patient for more investigation or treatment. Our GP, or in some cases the initial medical professionals we see, can only do so much. When your condition, illness, or injury goes beyond their field of expertise, and when their help is not enough, you need to be referred to the right person.

In many cases there is a window of time where you need to be referred before a problem becomes more complicated, or perhaps a referral quick enough to stop you getting worse or unduly suffering. So, when this doesn’t happen in time, what are your rights for justice?
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September 01, 2015

Medical lawyers for you

Need a medical lawyer? Look no further than our specialist team here at The Injury Lawyers.

Our medical lawyers are here for you. We are here to help you through your traumatic experience and fight to recover the compensation that you deserve. If you have suffered due to medical negligence then our specialist medical lawyers are best placed to get you the compensation that you deserve.

Medical law is a very complex area of law, and you can only guarantee the best results possible by instructing proper medical lawyers like us.
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medical negligence
August 27, 2015

Help with medical compensation claims

Being the victim of medical negligence can be a scary experience and finding the right lawyers to help fight for any deserved medical compensation on your behalf can be equally as frightening.

That’s why The Injury Lawyers are here to help you as medical compensation claims specialists. It can be detrimental to your claim to just go with any old lawyer, or go through a claims management company or advice service who may just refer your case to anyone. You need a proper service with the right experience to help you.

If you’re worried, read on for a little advice.
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August 25, 2015

Speak to a medical misdiagnosis lawyer today

Medical misdiagnoses can be a very serious problem indeed. Misdiagnosis is one of the most common causes of medical negligence claims, and it can stem from being incorrectly diagnosed – leading to delayed or incorrect treatment – or by not being diagnosed quickly enough, or at all.

Medical professionals ought to know the signs and symptoms to be able to provide you with an accurate diagnosis. But if they don’t, you need to speak with a misdiagnosis lawyer as soon as possible.

Here’s a little advice about misdiagnosis claims to aid you in the meantime.
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August 25, 2015

Medical accident lawyers – Here to help!

Medical accidents are unfortunate, but they do happen. Whilst we should be grateful for the hard working NHS system we have here in the UK, when medical accidents do happen, victims need to know their rights.

The NHS has provisions in place to compensate victims of medical accidents, so if you have suffered wrongfully, you have the right to make a compensation claim for medical negligence.

At The Injury Lawyers we are here to help you – which is why we’ve written this quick Q+A guide for those of you seeking advice.
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August 24, 2015

Do I have a medical compensation claim?

As a firm of expert medical compensation claim lawyers we can normally help you to answer this question in one simple phone call.

In case you were not aware, The Injury Lawyers are a real law firm so our advice is real legal advice. We mention this because a lot of the firms on the web, and many who advertise on the telly and radio, are not actual law firms. They are claims management firms who sometimes even purport to be ‘real lawyers.’

So if you want an idea as to how you can know whether you have a medical compensation claim, read on.
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