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accident report
December 04, 2012

Why accident claim payouts can be different for each case

Compensation is based upon the severity of your injuries and how long the injuries will affect your everyday life. As such, there is not really such a thing as a “standard” payout for any particular injury as everyone can be affected differently.

In law the defendant has to take the claimant as they find them – for example if your injury is an exacerbation of an existing injury this doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to claim as, of-course, if it wasn’t for the injury, your condition would not have been aggravated!

So how is a payout assessed? Well, put simply a payout is always assessed on the particular facts of each individual case. There is no such thing as one payout for this injury and another for something else – each case will have its own individual payout.
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choosing the correct solicitor
October 04, 2011

The Injury Lawyers – 100% REAL Injury Lawyers

There are so many websites out there to browse through when it comes to deciding who you want to represent you for your claim for compensation.

The bad news is that a load of them are NOT actually lawyers; they are just Claims Management Companies and Accident Advice Services that often like to appear as if they’re lawyers to draw you in.
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compensation cheque
June 20, 2011

How to claim for losses in a compensation suit

If you have been injured in an accident which was not your fault, it is likely that you have a potential claim for compensation for your injuries. It is important to note that it’s not just your injuries you can receive compensation for.

If you have suffered any other form of loss directly resulting from your injuries, your injury lawyer can make a claim for these losses as well. So, what losses am I talking about? By losses, I mean things like a loss of earnings claim, care and assistance you required and had to pay for whilst you were injured, travel costs for when you attended appointments, and medication costs.  Here’s an example…
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accident report
April 13, 2011

How does No Win, No Fee compensation claims work?

It is our belief here at The Injury Lawyers that every single one of our clients should keep every single penny of their compensation. That’s right – if you instruct us to deal with your claim for compensation, we will not take anything away from the compensation you obtain. 

You genuinely get to keep 100% of your compensation
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By Author
January 26, 2010

“I’ve been in an accident! How much am I entitled to?”

It’s a very common question we here at The Injury Lawyers hear – and unfortunately it’s one we can’t give you a direct answer to! What we can do is give you the right advice and even a rough guide as to how much you are entitled to, however.

So to start with… how do we as independent expert personal injury solicitors value your claim for compensation? Generally speaking, the worse you suffer and the longer you suffer for are directly proportional to receiving more compensation. The extent of your suffering is the primary factor taken in to account. So how do we find this out…
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