Whether they developed as a result of an accident or a case of medical negligence, you could claim for scarring injuries that cause severe pain and distress. Far from being ‘superficial’ wounds, scarring and disfigurement injuries can involve serious medical complications. The consequence of changing the injured person’s appearance can be very upsetting for them, potentially leaving a person with serious problems for the rest of their life.
The permanence of scarring is often what makes it most distressing, as the victim may have little chance of a recovery or a reversal of their condition. Where the injury has been caused through no fault of the victim, the feeling of injustice could be even more pronounced, as they have been made to suffer the consequences of actions beyond their control.
As specialists in personal injury and medical negligence compensation claims, we have been helping clients to recover compensation for many years in cases where they have been caused harm by the neglectful or ignorant actions of someone else. We know it can feel difficult to bring a legal case for compensation for such an upsetting issue, but you can entrust your claim to us, and we will do all we can to support you and help you achieve the justice you deserve.
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