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slip at work injury
November 30, 2017

Slips, trips and falls at work – when can you claim?

In the workplace, we’re protected by the law which puts a duty on employers to provide a safe work environment for all employees. The Health and Safety Act 1974 imposes this legal duty because all employees deserve to be protected whilst working.

Unfortunately, workplace injuries are not uncommon.

Slip, trips and falls are extremely common and make up a large percentage of all work-related injuries. There are various other laws that further protect employees by putting rules in place to prevent specific injuries from happening in the first place. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 requires all employers to assess the workplace for any potential risks.
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slip injury compensation
November 16, 2017

NHS worker receives almost £8,000 in injury compensation for slip on wet floor

Slipping on a wet floor – we can tell you form vast years of experience that it’s not a comical accident to be laughed off or joked about. People have been seriously hurt from slipping on wet floors, and injured victims can be entitled to compensation for slip injuries suffered.

In this case, a cleaner had left the floor wet after using incorrect equipment to mop the floor. The unduly wet floor in a hospital ward put staff and patients at serious risk of injury, and our client was unfortunately the victim of an entirely foreseeable incident. Had they been assisting a patient at the time, the accident could have been far worse as well.
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accident report
August 24, 2017

Claimant awarded £4,000 for tripping over step on B&B entrance

The claimant tripped over a step in the entrance to the B&B, sustaining multiple injuries including spinal and hip injuries. A two-inch step at the B&B entrance which was made of black stone and not marked was an obvious hazard; but not a hazard noticeable by the unsuspecting public.

The claimant unfortunately tripped on the step and fell.

The incident was reported to the owner of the guesthouse and an attendance at A&E was required by the claimant after suffering pain in the neck, shoulder, chest, back, hip, knee and ankle area from the fall.
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supermarket claims
August 17, 2017

The Injury Lawyers helps injured shopper take on Asda after painful slip

An aggrieved supermarket shopper contacted us for help with recovering financial compensation when she slipped in store and injured her knee.

Our client was shopping in the well-known supermarket chain when she slipped on a piece of vegetation on the floor. At first, Asda denied liability, but we were successful in persuading them to accept responsibility and pay compensation to our client.
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ladder injury at work claims
July 27, 2017

The Injury Lawyers win £14,000 settlement for ladder fall at work claim

In this case, our client was asked to carry out a task using a ladder to repair a fence on a building site. No training had been provided for our client to be able to safely complete the task, meaning they unfortunately fell and sustained injury to the knee due to the step ladder being on unsuitable ground.

An ambulance was called to the scene and our client was taken to A&E and provided with crutches and a split. We’re pleased to have now settled the claim for just over £14,000 to reflect the injuries and losses our client suffered.
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workplace accidents
July 20, 2017

The Injury Lawyers win £7,000 for workplace accident

In March 2013, a client of The Injury Lawyers was involved in an accident at work. Our client tripped due to a box left in a walkway causing our client to trip and fall down a set of stairs.

The client went home on that day, visited their GP, and was eventually referred to the hospital for x-rays. We’re pleased to have settled their claim for £7,000.00 for injuries and losses sustained.
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By Editor
November 07, 2016

Claims for falls in Hospital

Depending on a patient’s age, or any medical condition they may have, hospitals have a duty to ensure that risk assessments are carried out to properly care for the vulnerable, and those who are at risk of falling over.

A fall for a vulnerable patient can have serious consequences depending on their age and medical condition. In fact, they can ultimately lead to deaths…

Hospitals should have steps in place to ensure that the risk of a fall is minimal, and that they have done everything they can to ensure this. If they fail to do this, they can be rightly liable for a personal injury claim.
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By Editor
August 12, 2015

The Injury Lawyers fight to win settlement for slip accident abroad

There is a piece of very important legislation called The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 which puts a duty on package holiday providers to compensate victims of negligence. It is by no means straightforward though because standards abroad are often not as good as our standards here, and that can be used as a defence to a claim.

Package providers will commonly try and defend these claims and it’s key to instruct an expert law firm like us to give you the best shot of winning your accident abroad claim.
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By Author
July 28, 2015

Slipped on ice cream compensation advice

Summer – when the weather is nice and the sun is out, it’s always nice for a spot of ice cream. But as I’m sure you can appreciate, ice cream on the floor is a real danger. So happy thoughts of summer aside for a moment, where do you stand if you are the victim of slipping on ice cream?

It may sound more like an embarrassing mishap, but where it happens through no fault of your own and where it could have been prevented, it’s key to know your rights.
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July 10, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle cruise ship slipping accident claim

Different laws apply to certain situations which can mean some cases can be more complex than others. Accidents on cruise ships can fall in to this area because there are different laws that apply when an accident occurs out at sea.

We can usually apply UK jurisdiction where the cruise ship operator is UK based though – and as specialist injury lawyers we know how to fight and win such cases.
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