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August 04, 2015

Loss of finger at work compensation claim advice

It’s scary how often workers loose fingers or parts of their fingers in the workplace. From crushing injuries to fingers getting trapped in lathes or being cut by saws, it is sadly a common occurrence. We are always taking on cases for victims of finger loss injuries at work, as a firm of specialist work accident lawyers.

So do you need some advice about the best way to access the compensation you deserve? If so, read on.
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August 03, 2015

Why it’s safe to make a work accident claim!

If you have had an accident at work and you are thinking about making a claim against your employer, you may naturally have a number of concerns. Don’t worry! Our experienced claims team has heard them all and we want to put your mind at rest.

It’s your basic right to make a claim when you have been genuinely injured at work through no fault of your own, so this article may be useful to put your mind at ease, If you’re worried about initiating a case.
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July 31, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle dangerous stool accident at work claim for just under £7,000

Our client was stocking shelves for a well known supermarket when the accident occurred, which resulted in a broken foot that caused a great deal of pain and financial loss. Whilst the break wasn’t a severe one, any fracture or lower limb damage is likely to result in needing a lot of help and needing a lot of time off work.

We were happy to accept the claim using our genuine no win, no fee policy and we were very pleased with the settlement we fought for.
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July 31, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle workplace angle grinder claim for £26,500

Our client asked The Injury Lawyers for help when he suffered a deep cut to the arm when using an angle grinder on an unstable job at work. A part of the job came down and hit our client due to the vibrations from using the grinder, which clearly constituted as an unsafe system of working.

Unfortunately the grinder came in to contact with his arm as he was knocked by the falling part of the job, which resulted in the nasty injury being suffered.
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July 28, 2015

Finger loss injury at work – The Injury Lawyers advice

Sadly finger loss injury claims for workplace accidents are very common. In fact, they are way too common given how good health and safety in the UK is generally seen as. The HSE are constantly investigating and prosecuting firms for finger loss injuries at work, and we take on and win a lot of these types of claims as well.

So if this has happened to you, what are you rights when it comes to making an accident at work claim, and what can you expect to be compensated for what you have had to go through?
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July 27, 2015

Injured when cleaning machinery at work

Injuries caused by machinery at work when employees are caught or entangled in moving parts are one of the more common types of cases that the Health and Safety Executive prosecute companies for. We deal with a startling amount of workplace negligence claims with these kinds of circumstances, and this is despite the fact that the law is very clear on preventing these situations arising.

We’re lucky to have fairly robust legislation here in the UK and we do boast pretty good records when it comes to incidents and fatalities in the workplace. But despite this, a lot of work accidents still happen.
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July 27, 2015

Have you suffered hand arm vibration syndrome after your employer ignored your complaints?

When it comes to hand arm vibration syndrome (or HAVS / vibration white finger), as an industrial disease case, it usually comes down to what preventative measures your employer could have put in place, and whether you had made complaints about problems and symptoms.

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations states that your employer must ensure you do not breach the daily exposure limit value and / or exposure action value. But when you make complaints that go unheard, you may have a very good chance at winning your claim.
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July 20, 2015

Injury at work caused by removed guard or rail – advice from The Injury Lawyers

One of the most common ways people are injured by workplace machinery and equipment is because of a lack of adequate guards. A lot of machinery and equipment have moving parts which is why they need to be guarded to protect employees from being injured when using them.

So what happens if you are injured at work because someone removed a guard from a piece of machinery or equipment?
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July 16, 2015

Glove caught in machine injury claims

Work regulations are important as they put an appropriate duty on an employer to provide certain safety equipment and clothing to their workers. Gloves are one of the most common forms of equipment, but the duty to provide gloves doesn’t just stop there.

Employers must make sure that protective clothing is not going to result in any other sort of accident, which in this case can be caused by the material of a glove getting caught.
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July 10, 2015

Crane accident work injury compensation claims

Large equipment – cranes being a classic example – can pose a great deal of danger to employees at work. That’s why the U.K. has such stringent health and safety laws to protect workers from harm.

But when the law is ignored and regulations are breached, people can be injured. As work injury law specialists, we are certainly no stranger to incidents involving injuries caused by cranes.
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