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July 07, 2015

CNC machinery injuries and claim advice

CNC – Computer Numerical Control – machines are designed to not only be more efficient, where less skilled workers can operate them and less workers are required, but they are also supposed to be safer. When safety is automated, the idea is that there should be little room for error. Yet time and time again, employers defeat or disable safety mechanisms and expose workers to injury.

This should never happen, so if it does, the victims are entitled to seek the justice they deserve.
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July 07, 2015

Fall through fragile roof at work accident claim

Workplace health and safety regulations say that employers must ensure that their workers are not exposed to falls from fragile roofs or dangerous traffic routes. This means that a worker should never end up falling through a fragile roof, which can be anything from an area with skylights; false ceilings; damaged or worn areas; etc.

So if you have fallen through a fragile roof during work your employer may be in breach of the law which means you may be eligible to claim for work injury compensation.
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July 01, 2015

Annual fatal work incident numbers released

Fatalities at work are of course truly awful. We represent the families for cases and its never easy – especially when we live in a country where health and safety is deemed as generally very good.

Official statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have confirmed the number of fatalities between April 2014 and March 2015. The figure is slightly up on last year, but the trends of the UK as a safe country continues to improve.
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June 30, 2015

Roll cages and the Law in personal injury claims

A roll cage is normally classed as work equipment which means that it is subject to The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. These regulations put in place several duties on an employer to take steps necessary to ensure their staff are not injured when using roll cages.

So for this article we will take a quick look at the applicable legislation to give you an insight in to the law for roll cages and whether you may have a claim for work injury compensation if you are injured when using a roll cage.
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June 30, 2015

Repetitive shoulder strain injury at work settled for £7,500

Repetitive strain cases can be very difficult to win for several reasons. Proving that your employer has actually breached the law can be difficult, but even harder than that can be proving that injuries are caused as a result of the repetitive action as opposed to being the victim of general wear and tear.

It can be a complex area of law and there are some inexperienced lawyers out there who are not qualified enough to represent you for this sort of case. Read on for a further insight.
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June 29, 2015

Loose cables at work – the risk of trips and falls

In today’s technological age there are loads of workplaces where cables will be plentiful through a range of industries throughout the UK. If I look around my desk now I can see the keyboard, mouse, phone, Ethernet and several power cables all running down the back of my desk. They are, of course, safely out of the way; we wouldn’t get very far as an injury law firm if we failed to follow basic health and safety legislation now, would we?

But many workplaces are too lapse in their following of the rules and accidents involving loose cables in the workplace can be plentiful.
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June 29, 2015

The risks of suing your employer – putting your mind at ease!

Few people ever really want to put a claim in; but it becomes a necessity when you have been injured through no fault of your own. Losing out on money from being unable to work when there is a mortgage, car payments, and the all important kids to feed isn’t an ideal situation to be in – but we are lucky that employers must have insurance to cover you here in the UK.

But the idea of suing your employer is, for many, a bit of a touchy subject. So what are the risks and how can you claim safely?
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June 26, 2015

Loss of finger claim from unguarded machinery at work

We blog a lot about machinery and equipment accidents at work because they are frighteningly common. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – we have stringent health and safety rules in the UK that are designed to protect employees from injury, yet time and time again they are ignored and people are hurt.

Machinery and equipment causing an employee to lose a finger – or several fingers – is a real concern.
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June 25, 2015

Heavy or large objects falling at work? Blame poor planning and equipment!

Situations can easily arise at work where employees need to stabilise large materials for working on. Whether it’s sheets or girders of heavy steel, long beams of wood, or even mobile equipment that needs working on, the job needs to be safe and secure.

Despite the regulations we have in place, companies and people will still cut corners and fail to properly plan and supervise tasks that could cause serious injury if something goes wrong. In these circumstances employers who end up in breach of the law are obliged to compensate any victim’s of negligence.
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June 25, 2015

Falls from height at work claims – Far too common and dangerous!

The volume of reported incidents and cases we take on that involve people falling from height at work is alarmingly high. The regulations that we have in place to protect employees is there and it is stringent, so there is never an excuse for employers failing to abide by the law.

But in spite of this we see incidents time and time again that were entirely preventable. Unfortunately, fall from height injuries are usually serious, and this is why it’s vital to get legal advice as soon as possible.
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